Little less lonely

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3rd person pov:

If asked people would describe Ayonokoji Amane as a  very hard working ,cheerful ,beautiful ,happy ,kind and strong willed woman .However one of those trait is just an illusion .

In reality she is anything but happy ,it all started when her son died ,although he died during childbirth it didn't make it any less harder for the woman that had dreams of watching him grow up to become a fine man,she had even thought of a name for the little boy -Kiyotaka. 

Alas the boy never got to see the light of the day ,she grew distant from her husband over time and lived alone now. She was a powerful person in Japan and could afford all the luxuries that life had to offer but all the money in the world couldn't bring back the dead.

She would manage her company every day ,attend business meetings and drown herself in work just to avoid thinking ,cause whenever she wasn't doing anything she would break down and horrible thoughts would haunt her ,and as a result of all the work and unhealthy habits she forged one day.....

Amane pov:

Uhh why the hell is it so bright in here did the maids not know not to wake me up like this.

She groggily woke up to an unfamiliar room and rubbed her eyes trying to make sense of the situation ,she found out a glass of orange juice being used as a paper weight and a note saying "Second chances don't come often ,make the most of this one" The note read ,she couldn't understand what it meant was someone perhaps playing a joke on her ,She got out oh her room and suddenly came face to face with  a boy that she felt was familiar.

Kiyotaka pov:

I woke up to a different ceiling ,what the hell is happening .I went to sleep in my dorm back in ANHS but suddenly woke up  here ,did that man capture me ,although it is highly unlikely but I need to stay on alert ,first I need to determine where I am and I can come up with ... As I was observing the room I saw a note it read

"May your life be peaceful .Not really"

Now if this is a joke I am pissed if I could get angry  would be breaking furniture in the room  at this point but lets refrain from doing that .

As I made my way out of the room slowly I came up  across a beautiful woman in her early twenties some thing about her strangely put me at ease but then I felt another presence in the corridor we were in ,

I turned around to look at a girl who looked about my age carefully analyzing everything and moving towards us with caution ,her posture made my muscles tense up this girl was trained and was not a weak opponent I could sense it ,despite her having  a poker face.

Kiyone pov:

As I made my way out of the room that I suddenly and miraculously woke up in I got out of my room only to found a boy about my age and that woman standing in the corridor ,does she have a hand in this ,and why does the boy seem familiar to me in a sense.

"Where are we ,and what did you do this time "I asked that woman in a cold tone revealing my true eyes I had planned to stay at ANHS a little longer but here we are,

"Eh do I know you and I should be the one asking that question ,aren't you two a little young to be kidnappers" The woman replied but what surprised me were her eyes they were so gentle unlike the ones I had seen in that place.

"Look if you need money I am willing to guide you since you are still young but you have to stop kidnapping people "The woman continued ,wait what is happening over here and how the hell did I become a kidnapper here .

"Um I don't know who you two are but can someone tell we where is this place is"The boy who stood quietly till now decide to speak up ,his voice was even more monotonous than mine, seems like the woman was surprised by our monotonous tone.

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