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Ayanokoji pov:

It was really a normal day a little cloudy but more than that nothing out of the ordinary .I was laying down in my dorm room thinking about various important questions about equality and what flavor ice cream I should have for the day .

So that brings me to the current situation ,

Why the hell was I back in white room again ,

Why am I a child again ,'

And why is the entire 4th generation alive and looking so happy 

The only logical conclusion I could come to was that I was dead and was in heaven where everyone is supposed to be happy or so is what people believed.

or I was somehow back in time before the training for our generation started 

I could also be high but I am pretty sure I never consumed anything suspicious and I have a high resistance to things like drugs .

Before I could speculate any further I was broken out of my thoughts by a deep intimidating voice that I knew too well.

"Today we will start phase 2 for your training ,the difficulty will be improved and all you are expected to bring results "He finished .

Today was the day the demonic fourth found out that the white chamber was nothing less than a hell on Earth and probably the last day many of them would be able to live without fear constantly eating up at their minds ,I instantly analyzed myself, complex calculation ,knowledge of human behavior psychology and all of the information I had gathered in my life through books and white room teachings were all there in my mind .

Next was my physical abilities I checked my body and saw it was back to the form I had when I was a kid, well  that wouldn't be  a problem I have full knowledge of how to gain my prime physique and maybe this time around I can surpass my old self I can finish the entire library this time around before the events at ANHS happen .

The white room library was massive with a lot of books and as much as I wanted to read them all last time I couldn't as I couldn't exactly learn everything due to my limited free time in the white-room but I will try this time around.

Speaking of which this time around should I help my generation survive ,last time I couldn't exactly help anyone since I myself never cared about anything but my growth so I never interfered with their breakdowns ,but this time I know their weaknesses and how their downfall would happen as well as how to fix them before its too late ,so should I interfere.

Timeskip 4 years

The surviving generation sat on the cold whiteroom floor as they observed one of their generation members going up against a trained adult ,the said adult used to toy with them just 2-3 year back   but now he was having a hard time  against one of the boys he beat to a pulp not vey long ago .

The rest of the generation was also different , at one point they were scared  to their cores whenever there was a fight between the adults and the students ,the tournament happened every year and every time the students would end up with sore bodies and broken bones .

But over the years something had changed ,the instructors felt it happening ,most of what happened initially was similar to how the other generation had been but when there were only 12 survivors left something changed ,the cause, as far as they could tell was none other than the demon itself , the brown haired  boy had managed to take charge of the 11 other students and raised them from the depths of despair to being one of the best students in the white-room.

The entirety of 4th generations were on the level of geniuses while Ayanokoji Kiyotaka had just created a new category of geniuses one that you would call a super genius .

Undefeated in  both physical and academic abilities his abilities were something most of the instructors had feared if the growth and skillset of the rest of the generation wasn't monstrous enough the boy was a league above them ,the instructors looked at the generation and often had the same thought 'If they are released in the world they would sure dominate everything that comes against it'

For professor Ayanokoji it was like a dream come true a view of a great Japan was finally coming into fruition .

Meanwhile with the generation :

Ayanokoji pov:

All of us were sitting in a circle as everyone commented their observation and what they learned from the  fight, analyzing every move and strategy both parties seemed to be using during the fights ,we were all split in pairs of two, a boy and a girl ,I was the one that suggested it during fights since your sparring partner couldn't only be a girl or a boy as it wouldn't prepare you for all the situations .

Everyone was stating their observation ,it was an efficient way to learn as it would help them connect ideas and improve themselves through it ,the boy named Haru was currently fighting an instructor and was easily winning ,all of us had finished our fights and everyone absolutely annihilated our enemies , making it obvious that everyone had drastically improved .

"Oh the instructor has a bit of loose movements is he even a professional" The girl sitting on my lap stated with a blank nonchalant expression  ,she is Hana Shiro ,my training partner and also the second best student in the whiteroom .Loose movements huh , a normal martial artist would never believe what she said but all of us were far beyond normal at this stage.

Haru was the weakest in physical department as far as I could analyze  but there were no wasted movements ,the 4th generation had long surpassed its predecessors and set an insanely high bar for its successors. 

Also why is she sitting on my lap? Answer I have no idea she just likes it and I don't exactly mind so stop criticizing me .

The fight ended as Haru delivered a roundhouse to the instructor's temple making him pass out ,there was not much to learn as the opponent was pretty weak ,all of us got up and headed to the music room as Haru joined us .

"I was so cool back there with that last kick "Haru stated with an enthusiastic tone ,he had blonde hair with yellow eyes 

"Yes you were " Aira a girl with white hair and violet eyes said while chuckling 

"You deliberately extended the fight because you didn't want to let that instructor go without beating him up more" Izumi a white haired boy with blue eyes stated 

"Oh come on he deserved it plus you guys enjoyed it too" 

"Whatever" The rest of the group just chuckled at their back and forth 

I would be lying if I said I hadn't gotten closer to them over the past few years and they were almost like a family ,I saw them all as students the product of a change I was proud of.

All of us went to the music room and played the instruments ,well I was the one that was properly playing the others were just learning so they couldn't exactly properly play just yet but they would become experts in the near future I was sure of it.

"Kiyotaka teach me to play the piano "Hana stated sitting on my lap yet again ,with a sigh I started teaching her the basics ,

This was fun .


Thank you for reading .



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