Ayanokoji adventures: Eminence in shadow

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Ayanokoji pov:

Currently I was looking at the infamous shadow fighting the so called war goddess and to say that the guy was impressive would be an understatement , he was using magic very efficiently that along with his swordsmanship and his apparently infinite mana pool makes him a very formidable opponent ,  if I didn't have my powers from all my other lives he would make me go all out , a frightening individual indeed.

As the fight finished he started sprinting away at a speed imperceivable to naked eye.

I however had no problem with tracking his movements so I decided to follow him , now I usually don't go out of my way to draw attention so I would not do this but since I usually don't meet strong individual that have surpassed the limits placed by their worlds I can't let this opportunity slip, I want to fight this guy.

Cid pov:

As I met up with Alpha and the seven shadows they started praising me about my plan and whatnot until I sensed a powerful presence approaching .

I immediately went on guard a smile forming on my face finally someone that could give me a serious fight.

Alpha:"Shadow sama what are you ." before she could finish her sentence a man wearing a black cloak appeared from the darkness of the alleyway , the girls were on high alert since they couldn't sense him at all which meant he was stronger than them or incredibly weak and the latter would no way in hell ne true.

"Stand back , I will face this opponent myself" I commanded in my heavy voice leaving no room for argument.

The girls were flabbergasted but agreed nonetheless 

"Who are you " I asked this new guy.

"I would like to have a duel " He replied his voice monotonous and cold as ice .

"Why should I comply with your request " I asked , no way in hell was I going to turn down this offer but I would like to know what his intentions are

"If you don't I will kill all your servants here" As he said that a dagger appeared on the neck of each of the shadows

"Fine .Leave them out " I said my blood pumping this guy was definitely stronger than the girls combined .

Alpha pov:

As we met up with Shadow sama he suddenly turned around and pointed his shadow at the narrow alleyway towards nothing.

"Shadow sama what are you ." As I was about to ask a man dressed in black robes came out of the shadows leaving me surprised , I hadn't sensed him at all , if he had decided on a sneak attack all of us would have been injured except shadow sama who easily detected him as expected of shadow sama.

"If you don't I will kill all your servants here" This man had some guts to underestimate all of us like that but when the daggers manifested out of thin air at our necks we realized that he actually had the ability to kill us perhaps without shadow sama we all would have been dead on the spot .

I was furious I tried to reach shadow sama , to walk with him as his equal yet here I was still as powerless against this mysterious individual  as I was when I was rescued , he was facing against this powerful enemy just to keep us safe .

Epic fight scene 

(A/n I don't know how to write fight scenes)

Ayanokoji pov:

I had to say the fight was the most fun I have had in the past 100 years perhaps , I was not using any other abilities other than the one this world allowed , but I was not weak I would say I am the strongest being on the planet but still this person was able to go toe to toe with me ,

I decided to end the spar with a draw as to much power would cause huge damage to this area and I had no intention of nuking a city filled with people just to sate my desire for a battle.

"That was a good match " I replied a little out of breath.

"I will say the same" He replied breathing a little erratically as well.

"I will be taking my leave then lets do it again at full power some other time" I said to which he gave me a thumps up with a grin .

"Wait are you associated with cult of diablos" The blonde elf asked 

"I have no ties with them although I do know of their existence and mission." I replied 

"Then will you help us " She asked hoping to get me on their side 

"I will do what I can but I won't join your merry band of  children " I replied making it clear that I had no intentions of joining them . She seemed somewhat angry that I called her organization ,one that is probably the strongest in the world a bunch of children but hey I am more than a million years old so everyone seems like a child .

Cid:"Till we meet again ..What do I call you "He asked 

"X you can call me  x I guess"I replied remembering the nickname from my first life 

I immediately disappeared in the shadows moving through shadow exchange a pretty useful skill I learned from a monarch during one of my adventures .

Cid pov:

As the mysterious person disappeared the girls released their breath they didn't realize they were holding , well its not every day you meet someone that strong that can end your life in an instant , so off to training we go 

With that thought in my mind I took all the girls with me for a training arc excited about facing this person once again .

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