Chapter 59: Gone

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"Y/n is not gone, okay she's fine!! We just need to find her." Loki said and Hiemdall face fell.

"I can't see her anymore. . .that means." Hiemdall said but couldn't finish.

"It means you're blind and you've lost your powers." Loki said and Valkyrie put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at her.

"I'm sorry. . . ." She said holding back her own tears.

"What do you mean, why are you comforting me! She's not dead! She can't be!" Loki said tears streaming down his face as he fell to the floor.

"How's Thor doing?" Valkyrie asked Hiemdall staying strong for the group.

"I don't know, he hasn't said a word. Just tears." Hiemdell responded then he suddenly felt uneasy.

"What's wrong." Valkyrie asked noticing the shift in his behavior.

"Something's here." He said rushing out.

"Gear Up!!" Valkyrie shouted Loki looked up confused tears still visible in his eyes.

"Get Thor!! The people they're in danger!!" Hiemdell shouted as panic erupted on the ship.

"What's going on." Loki asked.

"I don't know just go!!" Valkyrie said and Loki ran out the room to go get Thor. Just as Valkyrie turned to leave she saw y/n's memorial there with two small crumbled picture of her that Thor had of her in her PJs dancing to her favorite musical "The Greatest Showman." and another one of her trying marshmallows for the first time.

"HULK MISS Y/N. Y/N GONNA COME BACK?" Hulk said walking in behind Valkyrie.

"I'm sorry buddy she's gone she's really gone, come on let's go asgard needs us." They said going to get ready for the threat.

Valkyrie evacuates the ship with most of the refugees using emergency escape pods and they all headed for earth.

"Thor?" Loki said as he knocked. No answer. "Thor I'm coming in." Loki said and walked inside to see the room was a mess.

"Thor, you've been here for the past few weeks." Loki said.

"Why are you here?" He responded coldly sitting in a corner with something sparkly in his hands just staring at it.

"They need you out there. . ." Loki started but got interrupted.

"No." Thor said refusing to leave his place of denial.

"Thor Asgard needs it's King." Loki said and Thor erupted.

"Then you go be King!! Isn't that what you always wanted!!" Thor said getting up from the corner and knocking some stuff over.

"Thor they need you, have you forgotten who you are. So many people on this ship wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You saved them." Loki said approach Thor slowly.

"But I couldn't save her." Thor said looking down at the shiny thing that was in his hand. Y/n's necklace the one she uses for her super suit. She left it on the commodore and fought in something that could hold her weapons.

"Thor those people are in danger." Loki said trying to stay strong for his brother.

"I can't save them." Thor said and Loki walked over to him and forced him to face him.

"Thor pull yourself together. We all lost someone out there, a sister a friend, a hero. The one person who believed in me no matter what is gone. So you're not even going to fight for my the thing she died for!! You going to let her death be for nothing!!" Loki said tears streaming down his face as he looked at his brother.

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