Chapter 23: "Till the end of the line"

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I was enjoying the party we played beer pong and flip cup until I was pulled aside to join the avengers at the private bar.

"Have you been to a party before?" Strange asked

"Yes earlier this evening" I responded

"Y/n that was fake a mission" Nat added with a smile on her face.

"How has she never been to a party before a she parties so hard" Tony said

"Is somebody jealous that Y/n made their average parties fun?" Steve teased Tony

"My parties are not average" Tony defended.

"Y/n I wanted you to meet someone" Steve interrupted before Tony started getting all sassy.


"Y/n this is Sharon" He said pointing at the blonde bitch from his apartment. She gave me a cold look and gave me a pathetic hi.

"Sharon." I repeated looking her up and down.

"Что эта сука здесь делает?" (Why is she here) I said not breaking eye contact with Sharon.

"Стив заставил нас пригласить ее, чтобы вы могли с ней познакомиться." (Steve forced us to invite her so you could get to know her) Nat responded.

"Зачем мне знать эту чертову шлюху??" (Why would I wanna know this motherfucking hoe)

"Чего мне не хватает и почему мы говорим ерунду о надоедливом свидании Стива?" (What did I miss and why are we shit talking Steve's annoying date) Bucky said entering the conversation and taking a seat.

"Потому что мне не нравится эта шлюха" (because I don't like the hoe) I responded to Bucky.

"Ты и будь обоими" (you and me both) he chuckled.

"English please!" Steve said clearly nervous.

"She said enjoy the party" Nat lied

"No I did not." I said

"No she did not" Bucky said chuckling to himself.

"Did we miss something?" Tony said as I noticed Thor at the far end of the bar and gave him a soft smile. He smiled back and I walked over to him ignoring Tony.

"You look beautiful." He says as I arrived

"Thank you." I replied after a while of silence I finally spoke.

"I get why you did it. It's noble." I started as he looked at me and I looked down not knowing if I could bare to look into his eyes without my heart breaking all over again.

"To let someone who loves you go if you're only gonna hurt em." I continued

"Y/n I'm sorry." Thor started

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry for making you feel like you did something. Like you owe me something. You don't, so you don't have to keep running away from me." I said giving him a little smile noticing his been in his room the whole day.

"I wasn't running away from you, I couldn't face knowing how I feel about you. I don't think I can control myself" he said getting off the bar stool and moving closer to me.

"I can't stop loving you." he said

"But you have to....I know, but promise you'll still be my blondie" I interrupted and looked at him for a response. He smiled and nodded putting up his pinky.

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