Chapter 55: "But this promise is one I can't make"

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As I was pulling myself together because if my head falls the rest might lose hope. I walk back to the main room and see Thor and Valkyrie at each other's throats.

"I choose to run towards my problems, not away from them because that's what heroes do. Ain't that right babe." He throws the ball at the window and it hits him in the face knocking him down and he quickly gets up.

"That's your man." Valkyrie said to me and I shook my head in disappointment.

"Alright, you all know the plan we get the quinjet, you get Loki, we get off this planet." I said and I looked at Hulk in the back who refused to come with us. I tried everything.

"Let's do this." Thor said when he came back to his senses.

"Stand back." I said and they did so. I started using my powers to break down the material of the glass weakening it.

"Race you to the bottom." I said to Thor and I jumped out the window with a kick and started sliding down the building.

"Wow. That's what what heroes do." Valkyrie said to Thor and he rolled his eyes at her.

"That's my girl." He said and jumped out after me.

We landed close to the junkyard where the quinjet was parked. What am I saying this whole place is a junk yard. But this place is extra junky. We sprinted through crowds and alleyways until we reached it.

"Alright come on." Thor said and started clicking a bunch of buttons trying to turn it on.

"It's not working!!" He shouted and I gave him a disappointing look and clicked the big red button that said Power.

"Oh. Thanks." He said embarrassed which made me laugh.

"They're coming! get it running." I said leaving the quinjet to fight off the sakarian guards who were after Thor.

"Voice verification required." The quinjet said.


"Access denied."

"Thor Son of Odin."

"Access denied."

"What's taking so long!" I shouted from the outside while fighting guards off.

"I'm working on it!!" He shouted back.

"Strongest Avenger!" He said confidently.

"Access denied."

"STRONGEST AVENGER!!" he said frustrated.

"Access Denied."

"Point Break Thor!!" I shouted as I walked past the jet opening to fight off more guards.

"Damn you Stark. Point Break." He said in a low voice.

"Welcome, Point Break." The jet said and he celebrated a little.

"Y/n I did it!!" He shouted.

"Shit!!" I shouted.

"Did you not want me to?" He said in confusion.

"Banner it's fucking banner he's coming and he doesn't look happy!!" I said and hulk reached the quinjet and started smashing.

"Friends Stay!!" He shouted and I ran to the jet and saw him crashing everything.

"No, no, no, no!" I said as crashed everything.

"Y/n Stay!!!" He said smashing things.

"Stop! Stop breaking everything!" Thor shouted.

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