Chapter 4: "Do....What"

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Wait hold up I'm sorry okay force of habit I was joking okay that's what I do I joke" I said walking after him dropping my bags on the floor. "We'll I think you should know that I am not offended by your little joke" he says while moving random things around in the room. I smile and say "we'll okay then" I say even though I know his lying.

"So I never properly introduced myself I'm Y/n" I said standing a safe distance away from him. "Y/n what?" He asked "Um......I don't use my last name" I said as I felt a lump in my throat. "Why?" He said then he noticed the expression on my face.

Then changed the topic "grab your bags and come" I nodded and did as he said he walked in and transported us into a bedroom. "I can walk you know" you say with a pissed tone. "I know I just wanted to piss you off" he says with a little laugh. You mumble something to yourself in Russian as you put your bags down.

"Well this is where you going to be staying there's a bathroom in there and some clothes in the cupboard we can get new ones later but those should hold for now. They are towels on the counter." He says while pointing around the room. "Thanks" you say with a huge smile on your face while you stare at the bedroom. "I can take you out to get decorations later and maybe change the lights and wallpaper if brown is not your color, I like brown doesn't mean you have to like brown but, it's a pretty cool color." You watch him talk and laugh a bit at how he's talking about the room. "We can also change the lighting to make it brighter if you want"

As he's about to walk out I stop him and say "Thanks again Dr. Strange not just for the room but for agreeing to try and help me." He smiles and nods looking at me for a moment and turns to walk out.

Dr. Strange's POV:

I don't know why but I just met this girl and I don't know anything about her but every part of me just wants to protect her.

I call T'challa to ask about her past he says he doesn't know much but he knows she is an orphan dead mom and an absent dad who is probably dead by now too. M'baku knows but I don't think it's his story to share.

Well tomorrow we start with training hopefully I get to know this kid better besides those annoying sarcastic jokes. Which are kind of adorable.

*End of POV*

I woke up after a good night of sleep and tried rolling out of bed but fell off not being used to such a high bed. "Ugggh just great" I said to myself while picking myself up.

I took a hot shower and changed into a some comfy clothes and walk down stairs to ask strange if there is a park around here to you can go for a run.

I walk down and see a table with 2 plates of food and some fruits Strange walks in from the kitchen and says "Morning I was just about to come get you, come have some food" You say "actually I was going to go for a run this morning"

"Nonsense, it's too late for that wake up earlier next time, Food now y/n." Without any protest I sit down and eat the breakfast which was actually really good. "So what is the plan for today" you asked him. "Mhm I was planning on seeing what you can do and trying to understand your power a bit more. Maybe you can start by telling me how you got them maybe."

I slightly choked on my food causing me to cough a bit as Dr Strange stands up and quickly pours and hands me a glass of water making me drink it out of his hand instead of handing me the glass. I felt cared about in that moment it made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. "Thank you Dr....." " me Steven" he interrupted. I nod sideways as I smile.

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked it was inconsiderate of......" "No it's okay you have every reason to ask" I said interrupting him.

"When my dad left me when I was 8 years old my mom fell into depression, drugs and alcohol and she died 2 years later. I was thinking of ending my life then to god Odin appeared and told me he can give me a life with greater purpose, I believed him and he took me to Asgard where I was a slave for 7 years and a prisoner for another five years. In that prison there were two goddesses one of them died and gave me their power in order to save me but with this power came a twist. that's how I got these powers and escaped Asgard leaving behind one of the goddesses who I tend to go back for when I figure everything out." I explained while doing the dishes him sipping his coffee listening to me."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, so what exactly were these powers she gave you?" "Manipulation of the elements, power of creation, power of destruction, manipulation of energy, Immortality." I listed for him.

"Mmm what about the price" he said standing up straight with a worried face. "Well with immortality comes immunity to injuries, aging and of course death the twist is that only those that I care about can kill me." I said

"Wow um that's heavy" he said and I nodded "it's not a high price to pay but it's a painful one" he looks at me and smiles at me sympathetically. "You gonna be alright kid" he says patting my back "Hey don't call me kid I'm twenty-two years old probably way older even." Strange turns and looks at me and asks"You don't know how old you are?" I shake my head "Nope lost count while I was being mind controlled by hydra" I stated while drying the dishes "Whoa hydra you never said anything about hydra!" "You never asked" I said back "that's something you should at least mention!!" He said "I did mention just now didn't I?"

You threw the towel at him and walked out the kitchen. "What did they do to you Y/n" he said stopping you in your tracks. "They made me take the super soldier serum, used me as a weapon and the rest is pretty much torture, literally torture."

I walked out of the room into my bedroom and sat on the bed and cried. The memories came rushing back.

A few minutes later Strange knocked on your door "Come in" he peaked his head through "y/n?" You looked in his eyes and said "I'm sorry" and started sobbing. "No, no no no no no don't be sorry for anything okay" he said walking over to you on your bed and pulling you into a hug.

"You went through shit y/n and you are still standing here you still put a smile on your face and make others smile." He says "I've known you for a day and you make me want to become a better man y/n you didn't deserve what happened to you Y/n but now you have the control over what happens next. So what's it gonna be."

You looked in his eyes seeing that he really cared for you. "No one has ever given me a pep talk before" you said with a smile creeping on your face "you ready to do this kid" he said with a smirk.

"Bring it on wizard" you said with a devious smile he looks at me and says "I'm not a wizard". "And I'm not a kid" I snap back "Touche" he smiles and walks out "training in 15!!!" He yells from the hallway. "Yeah, yeah!" You said.


I've been with Dr. Strange for the past two years and I feel like I have completely mastered my powers he's been a huge help and it's been a long process but we finally getting there. I would say he's not just a mentor but he's the father I never had. But sometimes I wonder what happened to my real dad I don't even know his name I just know it starts with a N, because of a necklace my mother gave me before she died. You ate breakfast and went to meet Strange for training as always.

I walked in the room seeing strange lost in thought and his hands shaking. "Strange, what's wrong?" I say as I slowly approach him. "Huh? nothing it's fine."

"Bullshit" I say as he looks up at me and sighs. "Tell me what's wrong... you can trust me" I said slowly walking up to him and taking his hand. "I can't possibly ask you to do this y/n..... it' is to dangerous I can't ask you to do this for me." He said rubbing his forehead and putting his hands through his hair. "Do what?"

He ignored me pacing around the room rubbing his head and running his hands through his hair. "Strange!" I shouted. He stopped and looked at me. I stood up and said "Do....What!"

A/n....Cliff hanger 🙃🫠

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