Chapter 56: "Why wouldn't he?"

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"Val where is he?" I said walking into her apartment and Thor and Thor walked in a little after me.

"What's with the. . ." She asked referring to the towel on Thor's head.

"It's his disguise." I replied.

"But I can see your face." She said to him.

"Not when I do this you can't." He said covering his face with the towel.

"Seriously y/n. Why him?" She said and I laughed a bit.

"You're hair looks beautiful, what did you do with it?" I asked noticing the new hairstyle.

"Maybe she actually washed it." Thor said with a smirk glad he finally got Val back because of her little insults.

"What are those things in her eyes?" Bruce asked.

"Who is this?" Valkyrie asked referring to Bruce.

"Who me I'm Tony Sta. . ." Bruce said and I shot him a death stare.

"I-I'm Bruce. Bruce is me." He said quickly.

"I feel like I know you." Valkyrie said while walking us to where Loki is kept.

"I feel like I know you too." Bruce responded.

"Valkyrie you're yn's friend right. Please talk her into staying." Thor said.

"Thor. . ." I said stressed out.

"Y/n I can't let you go out there, you could die! Next time it might not be just a cut." Thor argued.

"Yes I know and I'm scared! I didn't want this! But when have I ever gotten what I want. I have to do this. . . I can't hide, and even if I do I can't hide forever." I stopped in my tracks and I yelled in frustration.

"Valkyrie back me up here." Thor pleaded.

"Look, I've spent years in a haze trying to forget my past, my problems. Sakaaar seemed like the best place to hide drink and forget and to die one day."

"I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was going to kill you." I said trying to change the topic.

"I don't plan to stop drinking. I'm sorry Thor but she's right. Hiding will kill her more than death, especially with all the pressure that's on her, the lives at stake." She responded to Thor and he looked discouraged.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." I said cupping his face.

"Y/n please. . . ." He said crying.

"It's okay, I've lived if I'm donna to die, well... it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag." I said and took my hands and held them.

"You could get hurt." He said.

"There's no difference between you walking in there and me. Except the fact that I have the power to kill her. I'll kill myself if I heard that something happened to you because I decided to hide. Besides I don't lose." I said and he hugged me tight.

"I love you." He said burying his face in my neck.

"It's me and you against the world. Never forget that." I said placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Awww." Bruce said and Valkyrie smirked while sipping her beer.

"Btw y/n don't want you to die either, I just thought it was best if he did the talking because you know. . . . I love you!! But not like him. He loves you just a little more than me." Bruce started mumbling.

"Yeah, I get it." I said smiling and continued walking next to Valkyrie. I acted like I didn't see Bruce acting like a teenage girl fangirling over the fact that me and Thor are a couple through the window reflection.

Tragedy: Avengers X Yn (Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora