Chapter 35: "Happy Fucking Birthday to me."

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We were done with dinner and were engaging in conversation. Steve texted me and asked me to include Sharon in conversation. Does he not get that don't like her.

Please y/n just a casual question.

Nuh uh get somebody else to do it.

Y/n it's your party. Please do this for me.

Fine you asked for it.

"Hey Sharon. Did you find a new job yet since I took down your old one?" I asked and Steve smiled nervously. I couldn't tell if he liked the question or not.

"Umm nooo, But I sent my application in for the CIA" She responded and something told me something ain't right.

"Oh that's cool why the CIA?" I asked.

"My dad used to work for them. Just like your dad right? He was a CIA operative during the Cold war right?" When she said those words I looked at Steve who shook his head saying that he didn't tell her about Nick being my dad.

"Actually I don't know." I said with a smirk. So she has been unemployed for some months now. Has enough money to buy this expensive gifts. She also knows about my father. It's her. She's been selling information to Hydra. That's why they knew to kidnap Nick.

"Oh. Yes um he told us that back when we used to work for him." She said nervously.

Just a I was about to respond I heard the elevator ding. "It must be Dad!" I said jumping up and walking into the living room the others following behind me.

It wasn't him. It was Maria. "Maria! I haven't seen you in forever." I said hugging her.

"Happy Birthday." She said sadly.

"Where's Dad?" I asked with a smile looking behind her.

"He told me to give you this." I looked at the paper she handed me with a confused smile and started to open it.

My smile faded as I read the letter and strange walked through a portal right at that moment then observed the situation.

I turned to the others and burned the letter in my hands. "He's gone, again."

"Y/n you know this works out great for me you know. Nat we can go to that concert now." I said trying to hide my emotions.

"Y/n it's okay to be angry." Tony said.

"Hey why should I be mad. At least he said goodbye this time. I just wished I hadn't wasted my money on this stupid trip." I responded accidentally cracking the glass that was in my hand.

"Y/n I'm sorry, if there was something I could do..." Strange started walking up to me.

"You know what you don't have to do nothing. You warned me and I didn't listen."

"Y/n you're gonna be okay." Nat said.

"Yea I am. It's not like I'm still six years old. Asking mom if Dad's going to come to my career day or if he's going to be home dinner. Who needs him. He wasn't there to teach me how to shoot a target but I learned didn't I and got pretty damn good at it didn't I Clint?" I said turning to him.

"Yeah you did." He said with a smile.

"I got through my first everything without him. I learnt how to drive, I learnt how to read. I learnt how to fight without him. I've lived for 5 decades without him and he never even looked for me. He can go to hell." I said as a tear fell down my face and Nat wiped one off her face.

"I didn't need him then and I don't need him now." I said about to walk out.

"Y/n I'm sorry." Maria said

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