Chapter 7: "Wouldn't you like to know"

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In the cozy chaos of our mystical hangout, I faced Strange with a shrug and said, "Okay, well, this is it."

Strange, looking way less mystical in his everyday demeanor, replied, "Off to join the Avengers, huh? They better be ready for your brand of charm."

"Oh, you have no idea. The Avengers are getting an upgrade." I said with a laugh

Strange interrupts me and says "Or a downgrade, depending on how you look at it."

"Always the optimist, aren't ya?" I say with a straight face

Doctor Strange starts laughing and says "Someone's gotta keep reality in check."

"Well, thanks for keeping mine in check. For taking me in when I stumbled into your weird and boring world"

"Weird boring world? I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered." He chuckles

"A bit of both, maybe. But seriously, thanks. You've been like the........ father I never had....... and acted like a cool uncle most of the time"

Doctor Strange: "Cool uncle? I'm not that old."

Me: "Old enough to be wise and young enough to get my jokes. Perfect combo."

Doctor Strange: "You not being here is going to leave a weird void here."

Me: "Admit it, though. You'll miss my daily shenanigans."

"I might miss the chaos. Might." He says smiling sadly at me

"Well, Wizard, it's been real. Thanks for not kicking me out when I turned your library into a blanket fort." I say grabbing my bags

"I'll really miss you kid" he says while hugging me

I hug him back squeezing his shirt abit "I'm not a kid" I say with a chuckle "and I'm not a wizard" he snaps back

"Thank you.... for everything" I said

"I love you kid" he says letting go of me. "Now go be the hero I know you can be" he smiles at me

As I headed towards the door, He seemed to sigh with the absence of my quirky presence. Strange, in his nonchalant style, gave a half-smile, acknowledging the odd but genuine connection that had formed in the midst of all our love and madness.
Doctor Strange POV:

As she leaves she gets into the car and drives off to her new life. I walk back inside and grab my phone and call I call Stark.

"Wassup Hocus supreme" he answers as I role my eyes

"Tony no jokes, I need you to understand the gravity of this. Y/n means more to me than you can fathom. As she joins the Avengers, I put her safety in your hands. Fail in this, and you risk pissing me and her off and you don't wanna do that."

Tony says "Strange you're not making this easy. I get it, she's like family. Don't worry, Doc, I've got a soft spot for her too. She's in good hands, and I'll bring her back in one piece, I promise."

I sigh and say "okay but don't let her get enraged or heartbroken, something tells me it will get messy"

"What do you mean, what will happen" he says.

"Just don't do it Stark!" I say as I'm about to cut the call

"Wait don't hang up I need her last name for the contract."

I sigh and say "It's Strange, Y/n Strange" I say and hang up.

*End of POV*

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