Chapter 27: "I'm fine"

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I teleported back to New York and went to return Strange's ring.

"You think I wouldn't notice" I hear behind me.

"I'm sorry I really needed to go somewhere I couldn't exactly just walk back into the tower" I explained as I sat down.

"Yea, Tony called he's worried about you." Strange said.

"Tell him I'll be back by tonight." I replied

"Y/n I'm worried about you." He says stepping closer to me.

"I'm fine" I said

"You've got to do better than that y/n what were you thinking. Running off like that putting yourself at risk is pretty goddamn stupid. You were in no state to get in that car and disappear for hours on end" Strange said.

"I said I was fine"

"Y/n I think you should talk to your dad hear him out. He can help you out weather you believe it or not"

"Well you seem to be doing alright so far" I said getting up.

"Well now you'll be doing even better with Fury. I'm not trying to be the man you want me to be!" Strange bursted

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry about your father Y/n but I've been hurt by people too and I didn't run off looking for replacements."

"You have no idea what it's like. Every one I cared for has either died or left me everyone except for you. So don't tell me I'll be safer with someone else because the truth is I'll just be more scared!!"

"Y/n I'm you're not my goddamn daughter!!" He shouted and I could feel his words breaking my heart.

"I sure as hell ain't your father" he finished

"You were the last person I expected to do this" I said without shedding a tear. Grabbing my keys and leaving.
Strange's POV:

I'm sorry Y/n. I had to let you go, not because I wanted to, but because it's what you needed. You need your dad and I can't stand in the way of that.

If there's any chance of fixing this I can't be around. I see the anger in you, and for your own good, I must release you from my role as a father figure.

That's my Sydney, and I had to let her go. It's tearing me apart. Seeing her face when I said those words broke me as much as it broke her. She's one of the best things that happened to me, and watching her walk away, thinking I am not a father to her, breaks my heart. It's a sacrifice, a painful choice, but it's for her, and in the end, that's what matters.

I got back home around ten pm and as I walk in I see the avengers seated and they stare at me as I walk in.

"Good you're all here." I said walking into the room as they all sit up.

"Y/n we" Tony starts

"Stark sit down.I'm talking now I've had just about enough" I said as Tony sat back in his seat.

"Now we are all going to listen to me because clearly that hasn't been happening enough around here lately. Boundaries, when I set boundaries I expect them to be respected." I said to the room of avengers

"I don't give a shit about who called him, I don't give a shit about who told him but what I do know is that it wasn't their shit to tell!"

"Know your place. From now one there's a line and trust me you don't want to cross it and if you have a problem with that you take it up with me. Good night" I said leaving the room.

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