Chapter 10:"Fine I'll do it myself"

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"Y/n I really wanted to tell you but I...." Wanda says before I interrupt

"But but you what decided to keep lying to me after I stupidly opened up to you!!?" I shouted back at her

"Hey what's going on here" Steve said walking over to me

"Did you know too?" I asked him

"Know about what Y/n?" He said taking another step as I took a step back

"The god that kidnapped and enslaved Y/n for almost her whole life was......Odin" Wanda said while looking down and fiddling with her fingers

"What he would never.......Why are you lying" Thor argued

"You think I'm lying....." I let out a chuckle in disbelief

I turned to Tony and said "Tony you promised me a family, and now, Thor just mentioned his father is Odin. Why didn't you tell me, Wanda? I trusted you!"

"I thought it was best not to burden you with that pain, Y/N. I'm sorry."

"Don't give me that bullshit" I responded growing angrier and angrier

"Wanda, secrets within the team don't fly. We're supposed to be open with each other. Why didn't you come tell me!!" Tony shouted

"Y/N, we had no idea this was the case." Sam said. So I'm guessing when Wanda told the team she left some things out.

"We're here for you Y/n, I promise all I ever wanted to do was be there for you" Wanda Wanda pleaded

"If you really cared about me how could you keep this from me, Wanda? You knew my past, and you chose to hide this crucial detail."

"For fucks sake I was living under the same roof of the offspring of the person that took my life away!!!!! And you said said Nothing." I said almost tearing up and my slightly eyes changing color

Nat turned to "Wanda? Why? She's our friend."

Vision interrupted "Emotions are heightened. We should find a way to resolve this."

"Resolve? How can I trust anyone when secrets are kept from me!?" I questioned him staring at him observing his body language

"You knew too didn't you?" I said stepping back and running my hands through my hair.

"Yes I did" vision says with shame

"Do you guys understand the impact of keeping such a big secret!?" Clint finally spoke up

"I was trying to protect you, Y/N !!!!!" Wanda said

"Protect me? You've shattered my trust. How is that protection?" I questioned her.

She stayed silent and I chuckled again "I can't believe I believed all this bullshit about family."

Tony looked me as if he was hurt from my words. Like he has failed me.

"Everyone, let's calm down. Wanda had her reasons." Steve said trying to calm the situation

"Reasons? This is about honesty and trust. I can't believe any of you right now." I interrupted

"We need to address this carefully, not ignore the fact that a major secret was kept." Clint said.

"Y/N, let's find a way to mend this. We're a team. A family"  Bruce said

"A Family that keeps secrets and lies. Isn't a family. I can't believe I've been living a lie."

Thor walks over to Wanda standing practically in her face shouting "Wanda......What in the realms possessed you to keep such a crucial secret? Are you under some enchantment, or is it just a knack for deception? This isn't some Midgard drama; we're supposed to be transparent, not hiding things like mischievous tricksters. I should have known!"

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