Chapter 36: "It's time we end these assholes."

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I woke up and it took me a while to figure out where I am. I'm slowly recalling the events of last night.

"Holy Shit!" I said sitting up then I felt a sharp pain in my head but I ignored it I ran downstairs and saw a kitchen full of avengers.

"Steve did I totally knock out your girlfriend!?" I asked sliding into the room with my socks then slipping and falling behind the counter. But I quickly got up and ignored all the giggles from the avengers.

Steve rolled his eyes and pulled me out of the room and sat me down outside on the terrace. "Why didn't you tell me that they could be a mole. Even before you knew it was Sharon?"

"What would make me so sure that it wasn't you." I responded.

"That's why as soon as I found out. I exposed her. She's lucky I was drunk because I would have done much worse than just exposing her and knocking her out." I said.

"Why were you so mad?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"You barely mentioned the fact that she sold us out. You were just focused on the fact she was using me. You care about me." He said poking me.

"Poke me one more time and I'll pull your finger off and feed it to Sharon for dinner." I said causing him to stop but he still had that cheeky smile on his face.

"I just did what a friend would do. If there was something you needed to know even if it would hurt you, I would tell you. You would do the same for me right." I said smiling at him.

"Yeah, yeah I would." He said with a soft smile.

"Okay so I'm going to go downstairs and see if I gave her bruise. Bye Merica." I said going back inside.
Steve's POV:

"Shit." I said to myself. I feel like I'm betraying her. She has the right to know. But I can't tell her. Everything would go to shit. It's better I stay quiet. There's no way she can find out. I hate leaving them in the dark but that's the only way to keep the peace.

*End of POV*

"Guys she has the nastiest bruise!" I said walking into the room and Bucky threw me a bottle of water and some pills.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Your headache sweet cakes." He replied emphasizing on the pet name he just called me.

"Number one. How do you know I have a headache. Second of all what the hell did you just call me." I asked with a bit of an attitude.

"You were drunk yesterday so obviously you having a hangover. So I actually don't know how you have so much energy right now." Tony explained as he's slouching on the couch. He looks miserable. I guess he's having a hangover as well.

"And this video will definitely explain the pet name." Sam said showing me the video.

"Barnes did I give you a boner with fun facts?" I said laughing at the video and he rolled his eyes and threw a piece of food at me.

"That's what I said!" Tony said.

"Oh I'm never letting that go sweet cakes." I said mocking myself.

"Okay you asked for it." Bucky said getting up and running up to me I try to run but he grabs me with his metal arm and picks me up and slams me on the couch and starts ticking me.

"Bucky stop!" I shout laughing uncontrollably. He continued as the others giggled.

"Apologize then." He said continuing to tickle me.

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