Chapter 51: "Then how come it is."

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After training with Clint and Steve I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I was chilling there and and soon the kitchen was full of avengers, including Thor.

"Oh shit." I said to myself while sipping my coffee this is the first time I've seen him since the break up. The rest were engaged in some dumb argument again but I noticed Tony was silent.

"You're awfully quiet." I said to Tony and the room turned to me and they agreed.

"What? I just don't care about this conversation." He brushed of looking at his phone.

"There's been 3 openings for sarcasm. 2 opportunities to make fun of Steve and 5 chances to prove you are smarter than all of them. You didn't even take one. What's on your mind Anthony?" I asked.

"Boy how you know me so well, you know why do you observe everything." He said trying to shift the topic.

"Because I was trained to, now spill. What's going on Stark?" I asked again.

"It's nothing big it's just Morgan got bullied at school this morning." Tony said putting his phone down and sighs of sympathy where heard across the room.

"If we leave right now, and take the connecting flight to Paris, we can be in London by noon and that punks house will be in ashes by 12:30!!" Clint said furiously hitting the table.

"No, no, no, best thing you can do with bullies is ignore them." I said sipping my cup of coffee and they all looked at me with a confused look.

"Y/n has been kidnapped." Sam said shocked.

"Then you sneak into their house at 4am, which statistically speaking is the hour where people are least prepared to defend themselves." I said putting my cup down.

"Correct." Bucky said in agreement. For some reason Thor gave him a nasty look.

"And once you are standing over them, as they sleep in they're bed, you start to beat them." I said my voice growing a bit deep, and they're faces shifted to horror.

"Woah!" Tony shouted and I put my hand up to silence him.

"With a thick. heavy. rope. Soaked in red paint. Hammering them over and over, until they wake, confusing the pain for their own blood. When they beg you to stop. . .you laugh. As loud as you can. . .for as long as you can, and then you start to beat them again." I said and Steve dropped his mug and it crashed into the floor breaking the silence and making everyone except me jump a bit.

"Mhhm damn, you know I may hold off on anything like that just till I connect with Peppa and get the details." Tony said.

"Oh okay, fair enough." I said shifting back to my normal tone.

"But thank you." Tony said.

"No problem." I said drinking the last of my coffee and starting to walk out.

"Wait y/n can you help me decorate for a party Coulson is making me organize it. They're trying to get a force back together. Not exactly shield but it'll help." Steve said.

"Who else is helping?" I asked turning back to look at him.

"You, Bucky, me and Thor." Steve said.

"Only?" I asked.

"And Wanda." Steve added.

"Nuh uh get somebody else to do it." I said walking out the room. I'm not dealing with Wanda's obsessive party planing today.

"Y/n! You can't leave me with Steve and Thor! Remember what happened yesterday." Bucky said running after me.

"Have fun with the Blonde Beach Babes!! you'll be fine. Wanda is going to be there." I shouted from the top of the stairs. Thor looked up a Bucky's comment.
Thor's POV:

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