the doubts of a mother

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In the mirror, she stares,

A reflection of dreams and cares,

The woman with a heart so true,

Trying to be a mom, just like you.

In her eyes, a flicker of doubt,

Yet, determination shines about,

With every step, she strives to see,

The mother she aspires to be.

She weaves love into every deed,

Planting hope like a tender seed,

In each smile, a world of grace,

Guiding her through life's embrace.

Though challenges may come her way,

In her heart, love will always stay,

For the woman who tries to be,

A mom, with love eternally.

With every hug and every kiss,

She builds a world of purest bliss,

For in her arms, a love so deep,

A mother's promise, she'll always keep.

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