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On a path unknown, we all embark, A journey of life, through light and dark. With each step we take, a story unfolds, In the epic of existence, in tales untold.

The road may wind, with trials to face, In the pome of the journey, we find our grace. Through valleys low and mountains high, In the tapestry of time, we reach for the sky.

In youth, we sprint, with vigor and haste, In the race of ambition, we chase and chase. But as seasons change, we learn to savor, The moments we cherish, the memories we favor.

Companions we meet along the way, In the pome of the journey, they brighten our day. With laughter and tears, they share our fate, In the tapestry of connection, they're never too late.

Through storms we weather and oceans we sail, In the quest for purpose, we often fail. Yet with each setback, we rise anew, In the story of resilience, we find what's true.

So let us embrace the journey's delight, In the unfolding chapters, in day and night. For in the adventure of life we yearn, In the pome of the journey, we find our turn.

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