Cheaters in Love

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In love's embrace, deceit does creep, 

Where trust is lost, and secrets seep. 

Through whispered lies and hidden sighs,

 The cheater's heart wears a thin disguise.

Their love is but a fleeting flame, 

A flicker dimmed by guilt and shame.

 They weave a web of tangled lies, 

Where truth becomes the great disguise.

In stolen moments, passion's wane, 

Leaves scars that linger, deep with pain.

 Betrayal's touch, a bitter sting,

 Where once was love, now shadows cling.

Yet still they dance the treacherous game, 

Bound by desire, consumed by shame.

 For in the end, the cheater knows,

 It's their own heart that bears the throes.

So let us heed love's sacred call, 

And build a bond that cannot fall.

 For in the light of honesty, 

True love endures eternally.

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