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In the velvet tapestry of the night, Amidst the dark, a shimmering light. A solitary beacon, burning afar, A celestial wonder, a brilliant star.

With a twinkle that ignites the skies, It captures every watcher's eyes. A distant sun, a cosmic fire, A symbol of hope, of dreams to aspire.

Millions of years it traveled to be, A part of our nocturnal canopy. A messenger from the distant past, Its light a memory destined to last.

In constellations, they gather and form, Stories of gods, of creatures that swarm. Guiding sailors on their ocean quest, A celestial map, nature's own bequest.

A star may be born, and a star may die, In the vastness of space, it says goodbye. Yet its radiance lives on in our heart, A poem of a star, a work of cosmic art.

So when you gaze at the night's domain, Remember the stars that forever reign. They inspire, they guide, from near and far, Each one a story, a brilliant star.

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