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In the heart of a roaring blaze, A dance of fire in a fiery craze, Flames flicker, leap, and aspire, A symphony of heat, a radiant fire.

From embers born, they reach for the sky, With a crackling voice, they signify, The raw power of nature's art, Burning bright, igniting the heart.

In the hearth, they provide us heat, A cozy comfort, a fiery treat. A symbol of warmth in the coldest night, In their fiery embrace, we find our light.

But fire can be both friend and foe, A force of destruction, as many know. In its wild dance, it can consume, Leaving behind ashes, a somber gloom.

Yet in its essence, it's life's own muse, A force of creation, a vibrant fuse. A pome of flame, a tale untold, In its fiery embrace, we find the bold.

So let us respect the flame's great might, Harness its power and use it right. For in its dance, both wild and tame, We find the essence of the eternal flame.

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