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In silent chambers, beneath the earth's embrace,

Lie the departed, in their final resting place.

Their mortal shells now mere vessels of clay,

Their spirits flown, to realms far away.

Gone from this world, their journey complete,

Their earthly struggles, now obsolete.

Yet memories linger, like whispers in the breeze,

Echoes of laughter, and moments seized.

In the realm of shadows, they dwell unseen,

Their essence woven in memory's keen.

Their absence felt in the void they leave behind,

Their legacy etched in the hearts entwined.

But death, though solemn, holds a sacred grace,

A passage to the unknown, a cosmic embrace.

For in the cycle of life, from dust to dust,

New beginnings emerge, in fate's gentle trust.

So let us honor the ones who've passed away,

In reverence and love, let us gently sway.

For though they're gone from mortal sight,

Their presence lingers in the starry night.

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