A Reflection on Hate

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In shadows deep, where darkness dwells, Hate emerges with its poisonous spells. A venomous force that tears apart, Sowing discord and a poisoned heart.

Like a storm that rages, fierce and wild, Hate consumes, leaving hearts defiled. Its flames of anger burn so hot, Leaving scars that time forgot.

A bitter poison, it spreads its roots, Feeding on intolerance and disputes. It blinds the eyes, clouds the mind, Leaving empathy and reason far behind.

Yet, in the heart's darkest hour, Hate can be overpowered. For love's gentle light can penetrate, And shatter the walls that hate creates.

Let us strive to break the chain, To cleanse our hearts from hate's disdain. For in unity and understanding's glow, We can mend what hate seeks to overthrow.

May compassion and kindness find their place, Replacing hate with love's embrace. In this world of ours, let hatred cease, And in its void, let harmony find its peace.

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