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In the realm of slumber, where thoughts take flight, A world of wonders, in the still of night. A pome of dreams, where imagination soars, In the tapestry of sleep, new worlds it explores.

In dreams, we chase what the heart desires, Our deepest hopes, our secret fires. With closed eyes, we touch the stars, In the theater of the mind, no limits, no bars.

Dreams may be wild, or tender and sweet, In the land of fantasy, they find their beat. They paint the future, or revisit the past, A journey of the soul, from first to last.

In dreams, we conquer the impossible, A realm where reality can be flexible. A world of symbols, both near and far, In the pome of dreams, we become the star.

So as you close your eyes, embrace the night, Let your dreams take flight, like a bird in flight. For in the world of dreams, anything it seems, Is possible, attainable, in the pome of dreams.

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