My daughter's Path

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Once lived a daughter of privilege fair

Who lost her station in society's stare

As a beggar so lowly, she sought alms with dread

Her fate so uncertain, the path to her bed

She lacked food and shelter, her clothing was torn

With no one to help her, her luck was forlorn

She had lost all her money, her title, and store

With nothing to eat, no place to explore

But with courage and strength, she moved ever on

Vexed, but unwavering, through the night and the dawn

And despite her despair, she kept her faith strong

That her future was brighter, she just had to be strong

As time passed and days flew, she met more and more

Who offered help, kindness, despite poverty's war

Her dignity restored, she thanked them with grace

And she never forgot the hard lessons of her place

And even though she had lost everything she once held dear

She remained joyous in gratitude, her heart held so clear

Despite hard times and tribulations, she knew she'd persevere

Though she had no money, her will was sincere.

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