little girls strength

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In the shadows of the moon's soft glow, A little girl walked, her steps so slow. Through the graveyard, she wandered alone, Seeking solace, a place to call her own.

Her heart was heavy, burdened with pain, Her tears fell like raindrops in the night's domain. With every step, she felt the ache grow, Lost and wounded, with nowhere to go.

In desperation, she looked to the skies, And whispered a plea with tear-streaked eyes: "Oh, devil, hear me, in darkness concealed, Grant me your power, my fate to be healed."

A rustle of leaves, a whisper in the breeze, The devil appeared, a figure to appease. He offered his hand, with a wicked grin, Promising relief from the pain within.

But in her heart, a doubt did rise, For darkness never truly belies. Though tempting the offer, she knew it wasn't right, To embrace the devil, to dance with the night.

Yet, in her vulnerability, she faltered and feared, A moment of weakness, as the devil neared. He tempted her further, with promises grand, But she knew in her soul, she must take a stand.

With courage ignited, she stepped away, Declining the devil's malevolent display. For deep within, a light did burn, A flicker of hope, a lesson to learn.

Though wounded and lost, she chose a different path, To confront her fears, to escape the devil's wrath. She limped through the graveyard, but her spirit soared, Embracing her pain, she'd not be ignored.

As dawn approached, she emerged from the night, A little girl, stronger, ready to fight. With the sun's first rays, she found her way, No longer seeking the devil's sway.

For sometimes, in darkness, we may feel astray, But the strength within us can light the way. Through trials and pain, we must find our might, To resist the darkness, and embrace the light.

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