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In the heart of every soul, a yearning deep, For a precious gift, we all seek to keep. A pome of freedom, a timeless quest, A flame in our hearts, a need to be blessed.

It's a whisper in the wind, a cry in the night, A beacon of hope, a radiant light. In the face of oppression, it stands tall, A beacon of justice, for one and for all.

Freedom to speak, to dream, to aspire, To kindle the soul with passions on fire. To choose one's path, to follow the heart, In the pome of freedom, we all play a part.

It's a fight for the just, the brave, the strong, A melody of courage, an inspiring song. In unity we rise, in diversity we thrive, In the name of freedom, we will survive.

But let us not forget the price that was paid, By those who came before, in the fight they've laid. In the name of freedom, they stood the test, Their sacrifices a reminder, we are truly blessed.

So let us cherish this gift so dear, In the pome of freedom, hold it near. For in its embrace, we find our way, To a brighter, better, freer day.

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