Poem Of the Earth not on Fire

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In the cradle of soil and stone,

Where life's tender threads are sewn,
Lies a realm of tranquil mirth,
A poem of the Earth, no fire's birth.

Majestic mountains kiss the sky,
Whispers of breeze, every night.
Rivers dance with gentle grace,
Nature's canvas, a boundless space.

In forests deep, where shadows play,
Silent symphonies light the way.
Leaves whisper secrets to the ground,
In a language lost, yet always found.

Fields adorned in emerald hue,
Underneath the heavens' blue.
Each flower, a tale untold,
In the Earth's embrace, they unfold.

Behold the Earth, in quiet repose,
Where every stream, every rose,
Weaves a verse in the cosmic choir,
A song of peace, of love entirely.

No fire burns in this sacred land,
Yet warmth and life go hand in hand.
In the heart of nature's sweetest rhyme,
The Earth sings softly, for all time.

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