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In nature's palette, a fiery hue, A passionate shade, bold and true. The color of roses in full bloom, A symbol of love, a heart's perfume.

In autumn's embrace, the leaves ignite, A vibrant red in the fading light. The trees ablaze, a fiery dance, A farewell to summer, a final chance.

In the crimson sky as the sun sets, A breathtaking scene, no one forgets. A canvas painted with twilight's thread, In shades of red, the day is spread.

The power of red, in flags it waves, A symbol of courage for the brave. In every culture, it has its place, A color of strength, a fiery grace.

But red is more than pigment's delight, It's passion, love, and courage's height. In the spectrum of life, it plays its part, A pome of red, a flame in the heart.

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