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In the heart of the tempest, where chaos reigns, A furious dance of water and wind, untamed. A pome of storms, with thunder's might, In the wild tempest, nature's rawest fight.

The sky grows dark, the clouds collide, As lightning streaks, fears are magnified. Winds howl and gust, a tempest's birth, In the storm's fury, the restless earth.

Rain falls in sheets, a relentless pour, A deluge that floods, a fearsome roar. But storms are not just nature's wrath, In their wake, they clear a path.

They cleanse the air, they nourish the land, In the pome of storms, we understand. That from destruction, life can arise, In the turbulent chaos, nature's wise.

So as the tempest rages, fierce and grand, Let us respect the power of the land. In the pome of storms, a lesson to learn, That from adversity, we can return.

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