Harmony's Tapestry: Ode to Friendship

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In the garden of life, a bloom so rare, Friendship's the fragrance that fills the air. A tapestry woven with threads so fine, Binding hearts together, yours and mine.

Through stormy weather and skies so clear, A friend's true presence is always near. With laughter shared and tears embraced, in each other's hearts, we've found our space.

A helping hand when times are tough, A bond that's unbreakable, enough is never enough. Through highs and lows, we stand side by side, In the book of friendship, we're chapters intertwined.

Different souls united by a common grace, in this intricate dance, our spirits embrace. The joy of companionship, like a melody's tune, A symphony of laughter under the sun and moon.

With whispered secrets and stories untold, A friend's warm embrace, more precious than gold. In this world vast and full of art, Friendship's the masterpiece that warms the heart.

So here's to you, dear friend so true, A treasure to cherish, through and through. May our bond forever brightly gleam, A beacon of light in life's flowing stream.

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