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In the tapestry of life, a word we hold dear, A mark of identity, a name we revere. A pome of name, a label so grand, In its syllables, we understand.

It's a gift from our parents, a legacy passed, A title we carry from first breath to last. In the world's vast chorus, a unique refrain, In the pome of name, we stake our claim.

Names tell a story, a lineage's song, They echo through time, where we belong. In its letters and sounds, a history's trace, In the tapestry of name, our roots we embrace.

From the familiar to the exotic and rare, In a name's meaning, we often care. It's a symbol of self, a defining frame, In the pome of name, we find our aim.

So let us cherish the names we bear, In their resonance, a love we share. In the language of names, a lifelong flame, In the pome of name, we each have a name.

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