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In the scrolls of time, where memories reside, Lies the epic tale of humanity's ride. A poem of history, a boundless sea, With lessons and stories for you and me.

From ancient civilizations to modern days, In the annals of time, in countless ways, History unfolds, a grand design, In the poem of history, our roots entwine.

It's a chronicle of triumphs, of battles fought, Of empires risen and lessons taught. In its pages, the rise and fall of kings, In the tapestry of history, the past still sings.

Through the struggles and the wars we've known, In the heart of history, seeds are sown. It's a mirror reflecting the human soul, In the pome of history, our stories unroll.

But history is more than just tales of old, It's a guide for the future, a story to be told. In its wisdom, in its rise and fall, In the lessons of history, we find our call.

So let us cherish the stories of your, In the poem of history, our foundation and more. A treasure trove of knowledge and mystery, In the tapestry of time, it shapes our history.

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