Witch spell in the moonlight

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In the dim of moonlight, where shadows dance,

A witch weaves her magic, taking a chance,

Her fingers alight with a mystical glow,

Creating enchantments, secrets only she'll know.

Her cauldron boils with potions rare,

Ingredients gathered with meticulous care,

Through whispered incantations, she begins to chant,

Harnessing the moon's power, her spell to enchant.

With each gentle sway of her ancient wand,

She conjures wonders, both wicked and beyond,

Stars twinkle above, like her allies on high,

As she delves into realms where magic shall fly.

Her spells take shape, ethereal and bright,

Weaving spells of love, and casting out blight,

She dances with fire and rides the night sky,

A sorceress of power, her spirit unshy.

Through moonlit incantations, she bends fate's will,

Harnessing the forces, both dark and tranquil,

She shapes the world, leaving traces unseen,

A witch in the moonlight, a sight to be gleaned.

In her presence, mysteries come alive,

Her magic weaves tales, where dreams can thrive,

She dances with moonbeams, weaving her art,

Harnessing the moon's energy, a witch's sacred part.

So marvel at her power when the moon's gleaming,

For the witch casts magic, her essence teeming,

In the dim of moonlight, behold her spellbound art,

A conjurer of mystique, a witch's brilliant heart.

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