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In the land of the brave and the home of the free, A nation was born, a dream for all to see. From the shores of the East to the West's golden gate, The United States of America, a land so great.

With a flag of stars and stripes that proudly wave, In the hearts of its people, the spirit is brave. A diverse tapestry of cultures and creed, In the USA, a dream is indeed.

From the Founding Fathers to modern days, A history written in many different ways. Through challenges faced and victories won, In the pome of the USA, a journey begun.

From the Liberty Bell's chime to the Statue of Liberty's glow, Symbols of freedom, for all to know. In the pursuit of happiness, a nation united, In the land of opportunity, dreams are ignited.

From the city lights that never sleep, To the quiet farms and valleys deep, In this land of endless innovation and drive, In the USA, dreams come alive.

So let us celebrate this land so fair, Its beauty, its people, the freedom we share. In the pome of the USA, a story unfolds, A nation of promise, where dreams are bold.

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