Lost and found

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In the heart of the woods, where shadows roam,

A little girl found herself alone,

Amidst tall trees and whispering leaves,

Her innocent laughter turned to sorrowed heaves.

With timid steps, she ventured astray,

A world unknown, where fears held sway,

Her tiny hands reached for a guiding hand,

But the forest's embrace felt unplanned.

In the labyrinth of branches, confusion grew,

Fear's icy fingers her hope did subdue,

But in her heart, a flicker still burned,

Yearning for safety, for lessons learned.

A chorus of birds accompanied her cries,

A symphony of nature's tender lullabies,

Each rustling leaf seemed to tell a tale,

A soothing reminder, she was not to fail.

But darkness engulfed, as daylight waned,

The forest transformed, an eerie terrain,

Yet she persevered, her spirit unyielding,

For courage within her heart was concealing.

Through moonlit pathways, she trod with might,

Her faith in strength became her light,

She danced with shadows, embraced the night,

Trusting her instinct, her inner sight.

Then, on the horizon, a glimmering path,

A beacon of hope amidst nature's wrath,

Her footsteps quickened, a newfound grace,

Leading her to an open, inviting space.

A clearing emerged, a haven so serene,

Her worries and sorrows, all washed clean,

She found solace within the wooded lands,

Guided by nature's gentle hands.

With lessons learned and resilience unfurled,

The girl emerged from the whimsical world,

A little wiser, a little more aware,

She carried the forest's secrets with care.

For though lost she was, in that woodland vast,

She found within herself the strength to last,

And so, in life's journey, she'd ever recall,

That even amidst darkness, she'd never truly fall.

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