Lovers in a different time

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In a realm where time's embrace is thin, 

Two lovers meet, where past and present spin. 

Through the corridors of history they roam, 

In a dance of love, they find their home.

In eras gone, their souls entwined, 

Across the ages, their hearts aligned. 

Through ancient ruins and whispered lore, 

Their love transcends, forevermore.

In medieval castles, where knights once fought, 

They find in each other the love they sought. 

In Renaissance art, where beauty lies,

They see in their gaze eternal skies.

Through wartime tales and struggles vast, 

Their love endures, unyielding, steadfast. 

In the echoes of a bygone age, 

They find solace in history's page.

For time may pass and worlds may change, 

But their love remains, a constant exchange. 

In different times, they find their rhyme, 

Two souls connected, for all of time.

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