Chapter 108: The Rulers of Peace and Order

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Vadim Kazimir Sokolov gazed at the little girl who had practically leaped onto him, instinctively cradling her in his arms. One of her small hands rested on his cheek, while the other found its place on his twin's face. He exchanged a glance with his brother, Vladimir Kuzman Sokolov, the person most important to him in the world, their unspoken bond speaking volumes. While he was a boy of few words, his twin understood his emotions without needing to be told.

Vladimir's eyes widened in surprise and a twinge of apprehension filled him. His elder twin, albiet only by seven minutes, was known for his reserved demeanor, but something about this child, Meher, Maximilian's new daughter, touched a chord deep.

Gazing into her captivating green eyes, Vadim felt a warmth he rarely experienced. Though he wasn't known for being particularly affectionate, he found himself drawn to the child's magnetic presence. Her name, though unfamiliar to him, sounded beautiful, resonating with her Indian heritage. He couldn't fathom being anything but tender towards her; there was an innate purity and radiance about her that captivated him entirely. With his free hand, he delicately touched the tiny hand resting on his cheek, marveling at its softness and fragility. Despite her small size, there was a sparkle in her eyes that shone like a star, illuminating his world in a way he hadn't anticipated. She had cast her enchanting glow upon him, and he was utterly entranced with Meher, ego malenkaya zvezdochka (his little star).

Before Vadim could react, his brother Vladimir gently grasped Meher's left hand, warmly greeting, "Zdravstvuy, moya dragotsennaya."

The little girl wrinkled her nose in confusion, remarking, "You talk funny." Vadim couldn't help but smirk at his brother's expense, silently urging him to switch to English. Vladimir quickly obliged, translating his greeting into English, "I said, Hello, my precious."

Meher's expression cleared as she responded, "Oh, Hello, me Meher." Vladimir introduced himself as "Vladimir," prompting Meher to dub his name "big." She proposed calling him "Mir" instead, insisting it was simpler. Vladimir chuckled, suggesting the alternative of "Vlad," but Meher remained adamant, declaring, "Meher Mir, same same." Amused by her determination, Vladimir deferred to her preference, accepting the moniker "Mir."

Turning to his brother, Vladimir introduced Vadim, prompting Meher to name him plainly as "Vadim." Both brothers exchanged a puzzled glance; Vadim felt a pang of disappointment at not receiving a nickname or little name, like everyone else.

Sensing his brother's unease, Vladimir gently prodded the toddler, "Will you not give him his own little name?", who reasoned that since Vadim's name was already short, he didn't need a diminutive. While Vladimir found her logic sound, his elder twin couldn't shake off his disappointment; he, too, yearned for a special nickname like the others.

So Vadim fixed his gaze on the little girl and declared, "No little star, you must give me a little name." Meher narrowed her eyes at him, and Vadim realized his mistake. He couldn't command this little girl. Quickly correcting himself before she could scold him or worse, seek refuge with his brother, he politely added, "Please, little star, I would also appreciate a little name."

A sharp intake of breath sounded from across the room, likely from his mother, as Vadim's unexpected words hung in the air. Asking for something, let alone using the three magic words, was uncharacteristic of him. Meher seemed pleased with his newfound manners, pondering for a moment before suggesting, "Otay, I call you Vaddy. That otay, Vaddy?" and the teenager nodded, finally content.

Then, turning to Vadim, Meher inquired, "Vaddy, why you tins? Why you and Mir same same?"

Vadim glanced around before returning his attention to the little girl and explained, "Little star, sometimes two babies are born together, so they look alike." Meher nodded in understanding, expressing her desire to have a twin as well.

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