Chapter 18: Vulnerability

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In the next few days, the anticipation for their upcoming trip to the Chicago Disney-themed resort reached a fever pitch, especially among the children. Liam took every opportunity to share pictures and videos of the place with Meher. It was an amusing sight, with Liam showing Meher images of the resort, various fairies, rides, and castles. He even explained which castle, fairy, or princess belonged to which story, leading to Meher's heightened excitement and loud cheers.

This had become a daily routine, and Seher couldn't help but be delighted seeing the two children so thrilled. She confessed that she, too, was excited about the trip. Her own childhood had lacked such magical experiences, so the prospect of living this dream on her 25th birthday was exhilarating. For one day, she would get to be a child, reveling in the enjoyment, and the joy on her daughter's face was even more beautiful. This was the kind of life she wished for Meher - not riches or a grand mansion but the opportunity to enjoy being a two-year-old, doing age-appropriate activities with peers, making friends, and creating cherished memories. It was everything a child her age should experience - the excitement of princesses, fairies, beautiful dresses, and more.

Daniel had also noticed the infectious excitement in the air. He seized every chance to engage with the kids, describing the experiences they would have at the theme park, the candies they would savor, the gifts they would pick out, and the enchanting dresses Meher would wear. He promised to dress her up as a princess, complete with a crown and all the regalia. He reveled in Meher's enthusiasm and eagerly awaited the day when they would all enjoy these adventures. According to his plan, if everything went smoothly, they would spend the entire day as a family, with a special focus on making Meher's birthday unforgettable.

In the evening, when the children were tired and tucked into their beds after an extraordinary day, he had another surprise in store. At midnight, he intended to take Seher out on an exceptionally special date, ensuring that she would have the best birthday of her life.

On a late evening in mid-March, when the weather had grown more bearable, Daniel, Seher, and the children gathered for an early dinner. The anticipation of their upcoming Disneyland trip filled the room with excitement. Liam enthusiastically contributed, "Dada, we have to get Belle the yellow dress to complete her look." Meher, always eager to follow Liam's lead, nodded and echoed, "Dada, Belle wellow dwess."

Meher's spontaneous mention of "Dada" caught everyone off guard. An awkward silence descended over the table. Liam, who possessed a keen sense of observation, finally broke it, questioning, "Meher, why did you call my Dada, your Dada?"

Meher, still too young to grasp the implication, simply shrugged and continued to focus on her meal. When Liam turned to Daniel and asked if he was also Meher's Dada, Daniel was mindful of how he framed his response. "No, Liam, I am not her dad. I think she was just copying you, which is why she called me Dada."

Liam seemed satisfied with this explanation and resumed eating, but Seher remained silent throughout the rest of the dinner. After tucking the children into bed, Daniel reached out to Seher, who was sitting quietly in her room. He sat beside her on the couch, concerned about the visible distress in her demeanor.

"Seher, is something bothering you? Are you feeling troubled? You know you can talk to me, right?" Daniel offered a reassuring presence.

Seher hesitated momentarily, then opened up, "It's just that I realized today, for the first time, that one day Meher is going to ask me about her father, and I really don't have an answer for her. Sometimes I wonder if I would be able to play both roles when she understands that normal children are supposed to have two parents." She chuckled wryly at the thought.

Taking her hand in his, Daniel offered his assurance, "Look, Seher, I don't know what the future holds, and I don't know when you'll fully accept us or if we can ever be a 'normal' couple. But if you allow me, I would love to be a father figure to Meher, because these feelings for you and for her are here to stay. I love that little girl, just like I love Liam. I can't guarantee how much my words mean, but I promise you that I'm in this for the long haul, whether it's for you or for Meher."

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