Chapter 52: Daniel, the man

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In the hushed ambiance of Saffron Street by Seher Sandhu, a profound silence engulfed the space as the executive chef, caught off guard, stood motionless, her eyes resembling a startled fish. Before her stood a man, his expression carrying a hint of amusement, contributing to the palpable stillness. In the midst of this scene, Richard Anderson attentively observed, his discerning eyes taking in every nuance.

Richard was no stranger to the tales of Daniel Mitchell, the accomplished businessman, having gleaned information from his extensive network. Being a prominent figure in the elite social circles of Chicago, Richard had witnessed firsthand how Daniel carved a niche for himself through unwavering dedication and hard work. The young entrepreneur's journey, starting from humble beginnings to achieving pinnacle success, had earned Richard's silent admiration. As he reminisced about the times he had encountered Daniel and his wife at various gatherings, Richard couldn't help but ponder the remarkable trajectory of a man who, at the age of 35, had flourished in the business world. The question lingered in Richard's mind-how far would this man go by the time he reached Richard's own age?

Today, while Richard still held admiration for Daniel Mitchell, the CEO of Mitchell Technologies, his respect for Daniel the man had diminished somewhat. This shift was attributed to Daniel's apparent shortcomings in embodying certain qualities that Richard deemed essential in a man. Richard valued attributes such as taking responsibility for one's words, aligning actions with promises, and facing mistakes head-on; qualities he felt Daniel lacked.

Acknowledging that no one is flawless and understanding that Daniel, too, had his share of imperfections, Richard might have overlooked these aspects, but, because it was Richard's Bambi, whom he hurt, he couldn't. Despite recognizing his own hypocrisy, Richard stood firm in his dislike for Daniel.

Richard saw Daniel as an honorable and determined man, but loyalty seemed to be lacking. This deficiency extended to loyalty to his own words, his wife, another woman he had made promises to, and most crucially, loyalty to his own child. The absence of this loyalty had inflicted pain on Seher, and Richard was unwilling to overlook or forgive this aspect.

Richard was determined to wholeheartedly support Seher in every decision she made. If there ever arose a circumstance where Seher contemplated returning to this man, Richard would patiently sit down with her, discuss the pros and cons, and help her evaluate the implications of being with this person. Ultimately, if Seher chose him, Richard would stand by her like a steadfast pillar. However, this commitment didn't imply any liking for the man in question.

Richard fervently hoped, fingers crossed, that Seher would never find herself in a situation requiring a return to Daniel. He aspired for a good man for Seher-one who was strong, loved Meher as deeply as he himself loved Seher, didn't rely on blood ties to claim a child, and stood by his words. Presently, Richard believed Daniel fell short of embodying these qualities.

Richard took a step closer to Seher, gently resting a hand on her shoulder, drawing her back from her thoughts. Addressing Daniel with a composed demeanor, Richard extended his hand, introducing himself, "Hello, I am Richard Anderson." Inquiring with a straightforward expression, he added, "And you are?" Avoiding any hint that Seher had discussed Daniel with him, Elaine, or the Greens, Richard awaited Daniel's response.

Daniel nodded, reciprocating the handshake, and acknowledged, "Yes, Mr. Anderson, I know you." Continuing, he mentioned, "Your wife recommended Seher as a nanny for my son." After a brief pause, he concluded, "I am Daniel Mitchell," as an afterthought, responding to Richard's inquiry about his name.

Richard acknowledged with a nod, remarking, "Indeed, Mitchell Tech. I'm familiar with your work." Daniel, maintaining a proud demeanor, nodded in response. Richard, his reassuring hand still on Seher's shoulder, gently inquired, "You're here to congratulate my girl on her new venture, aren't you?" Daniel, raising an eyebrow at the endearment "my girl," nodded in agreement and explained, "Certainly. I've heard about it, and as Seher and I became good friends during her work, I wanted to personally extend my congratulations and best wishes."

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