Chapter 76: Close Yet Far

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Amelia sighed, rising from her office chair, weary from six hours of relentless meetings. The notion that working from home was simpler than an office proved false; the lack of set hours made it demanding. The clock approaching 3 in the afternoon reminded her of an empty stomach since breakfast. Descending the stairs, she found Liam immersed in his living room play area, crafting with Legos. Despite aspiring to be a pilot, his knack for building hinted at diverse interests. Amelia smiled, acknowledging her son might not exclusively pursue aviation.

Seating herself beside him, she watched Liam engrossed in his play zone, and he looked up, gracing her with a beautiful smile. Moments like these made her marvel at how much Liam resembled Daniel, lacking any physical traits that conventionally justified their mother-son connection. Affectionately, she kissed him on the head and summoned Rhonda to fetch them both a selection of fruits.

Amelia chuckled while observing Liam, "You should try some different fruits, sweetheart." Liam frowned, "But I like grapes and strawberries, Mama." Undeterred, Amelia insisted, "You can't thrive on just grapes and strawberries, Liam. Let's experiment with an apple today." Liam crossed his arms, "I don't want an apple. They're boring." With a warm smile, Amelia encouraged, "Come on baby, they're good for you." Liam reluctantly agreed, "Fine, but because you say they good for me."

Standing behind them, Daniel chuckled at the scene, catching the attention of both Amelia and Liam. He walked towards them, methodically removing his shoes before settling on the play mat. Pointing at Liam, Amelia lamented, "He debates about everything." Daniel chuckled.

"This is not funny, Danny. Somehow, you've indulged him to the point where he feels the need to debate about everything. It's as if he's actively seeking reasons to engage in a debate. He doesn't even present all his points at once. He puts forth one point and then wants me to argue on that, and it's as if he enjoys it somehow."

Plucking a grape from Amelia's plate, Daniel inquired, "Amy, who do you think engages in that kind of debate? I mean, what sort of individuals enjoy debating with others, winning by articulating one point at a time, proving the other person wrong, and then moving on to the next? What kind of people revel in that?" Unaware of his underlying point, Amelia pondered for a moment before responding, "Lawyers, Daniel. What's your point?" Nonchalantly, Daniel remarked, "Well, I don't have a specific point, my love. I'm simply mentioning that there's a lawyer-like quality in our son. I don't know how it got there. I mean, you say he's all like me and that I'm the reason he argues, but I'm no lawyer. I wonder which relative of Liam's is a lawyer."

Rolling her eyes, Amelia retorted, "Oh, shut up, Danny." Amused, Daniel chuckled, "Amy, whether you choose to believe it or not, this guy may look like me on the outside, but on the inside, he's all you. This isn't the first time I've noticed it. So, congratulations, you have a little Amelia on your hands. Enjoy raising him." Offering a smile, Amelia replied, "Well, I'll be the happiest person if he turns out to be a lawyer. He won't even need a partner. I'll make sure he has his own firm."

Interrupting the conversation, Liam's voice emerged, "I want to be a pilot, Mama." Both Amelia and Daniel burst into laughter. Amelia affectionately ruffled his hair and said, "Whatever you want to be, Bradley."

Amelia checked her watch, realizing it was nearing half-past three. Addressing Liam, she said, "Bradley, baby, get up. It's almost three-thirty. Garrett will be here at four. Don't you have to go to Zane's birthday party?" Liam promptly nodded, rushing towards his room. Observing the mess, Amelia called out to him. Daniel intervened just in time, holding Liam by the back of his collar and gently guiding him back to his mother.

Liam offered another smile as she narrowed her eyes, "My son, aren't you supposed to do something before you leave your play area?" Liam glanced around, "Well, Mama, won't I be late then?" She shook her head, "No, no, honey, I'll make sure you're ready on time. Get to it," she ordered. Liam nodded and hurried past his mother to tidy up his play area, placing toys in their proper positions. Once it was clean, he flashed Amelia another toothy smile and dashed towards his room.

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