Chapter 16: Ominous Murmurs

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It had been a few days since Seher had seen Ronda in the pantry, but she couldn't shake the memory of their recent encounter and the mysterious phone conversation she overheard Ronda having with someone named El.

Seher had acted on impulse, unable to ignore the secrecy and intrigue emanating from the pantry. She questioned Ronda, "Miss Ronda, why are you speaking in hushed tones in the pantry, hiding away? Who were you talking to?"

Ronda's initial reaction was a mix of surprise and hesitation. Her expression resembled a deer caught in the headlights for a few brief moments before she regained her composure. Seher was convinced she would never get a straight answer. Ronda replied in a mean-spirited tone, "I don't think it's any of your business, Miss Sandhu. I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my way. I really don't want to see your face in the middle of the day."

Seher scoffed, genuinely puzzled by what could have caused such hostility. She retorted, her tone sharp, "Miss Ronda, if I've done something to offend you, let's talk about it. We're both adults here, too old to be acting like kindergartners. I'm not meddling in your business; I simply found your behavior a bit suspicious and felt a genuine concern, like any decent person would."

Ronda appraised her from head to toe and responded with a hint of condescension, "Look at you," she chuckled, "playing house with the rich CEO, pretending you're the lady of the mansion, living a life of luxury. You're flying high with your newfound wings. But do you know, Miss Sandhu," she emphasized the name in a mocking tone, "that those who soar too high eventually crash down with the same intensity and all their bones shatter."

With that unsettling remark, Ronda huffed and started to leave the pantry, leaving Seher standing there, a swirl of emotions and thoughts spinning in her mind.

As the minutes passed, she couldn't shake the feeling that Ronda's words held a deeper meaning, as if she were warning her, implying that she should back off from her budding relationship slash friendship with Daniel. It sent shivers down her spine.

Seher was abruptly pulled from her thoughts by Elaine's voice on the phone, and she realized that Richard and her were still on the phone, speaking to her. She shook her head, momentarily pushing aside the unsettling encounter, and continued her conversation with them.

But in the following days, Seher couldn't let go of her unease regarding Ronda's cryptic words. She couldn't shake the feeling that Ronda was up to something, something that might be directed against her. However, she decided against discussing it with Daniel. Lacking concrete proof, she didn't want to create unnecessary trouble, especially when Ronda was already causing a considerable amount of turmoil in their lives. Besides, Daniel often returned home exhausted from work, and she didn't want to add to his burdens.

It was approaching 7 p.m., and after the kids had been fed, bathed, and tucked into their cozy night suits, the three of them found themselves on Liam's bed. Liam and Meher were attempting to persuade Seher to let them stay up a bit longer. Liam's reasoning? He hadn't seen his "dada" in two whole days and wanted to spend time with him before he turned into an unrecognizable old man with all white hair, at least in Liam's vivid imagination.

Seher couldn't help but burst into laughter at the adorable logic and said, "Liam, sweetheart, no one grows that many gray hairs in just two days. Your dad isn't that old. His hair won't turn gray anytime soon."

Liam casually shrugged and responded, "You never know, Belle; he's an old man."

Seher playfully teased, "Oh, Liam, you're such a funny little man."

Liam blushed slightly and turned to Seher with those big, grey eyes pleading, "Please, Belle, please. I don't want to go to sleep just yet. It's Saturday tomorrow, and I want to stay up. All my friends have movie nights on weekends. Can't we have a movie night, please?"

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