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zoe's pov
they won. they fucking won! i run to travis and he picks me up and i grin "you won baby!" kissing him happy for them. he grins "i fucking won" as he spins me setting me down. i say "travis there's something i wanna tell you" he asks "what?" i pull him down and whisper "we're having a girl." he freezes and looks at me with love and adoration and happiness "really?" i nod "yeah." his eyes water "i love you so fucking much baby you have no fucking idea" kissing me deeply. i pull him closer and he asks "how did you find out? thought you were going to wait?" "the doctor came in and decided to just blurt it and not even ask if i wanted to know yet or not. i was pissed" i say and add "i know how bad you wanted to be there and i didn't want you to feel left out or feel even worse for not being there" he stops me "bee you don't have anything to be sorry about or feel bad about. it's not your fault she just told you" kissing me softly.

travis' pov
a girl. i'm having a baby girl! i hold her hand as im stopped for an interview "what an amazing win travis! congratulations! how does this win feel to you? feel any different?" i look at her and just say "all this hard work was worth it definitely. and this win was big. but i already won the day i made the mother of my child my wife" her eyes widen and she relaxes grinning big. genuinely. "you two are married and expecting your first baby?" the reporter asks and i kiss her temple "we're having a girl. just found out from my wife here today. best gift i coulda ever gotten." she kisses me softly and the interviewer says "congratulations you two!" calling the interview to end and we go and say hi to jason and make sure he's okay with the loss.

zoe's pov
we walk over to a happy but upset jason and i tell him "jason you're having a niece" he perks up "shit really?!" i nod with a grin and he picks me up and cheers "IM HAVING A NIECE!" i laugh and we spend time with him and i find my brother "Sully!" he grins "there ya are boo" and hugs me tightly and i say "i have news that i can now say because now travis knows and it's been eating at me and you know im terrible with secrets and excitement happening all at once i just burst! like that one time i tried to throw you a surprise party but i was just so excited i told you about it!" he laughs "breathe boo. what is it that you wanna tell me that got you like this" he pauses "you're having twins?" i shake my head "no! it's just one baby going on in here" touching my stomach. "you just touched your stomach in public sis" "yeah well travis announced it in an interview excited so baby's out the bag?" i say and he nods "good to know i can say i'm having a niece or nephew" i fill in "niece" he freezes and a smile spreads across his face "holy fucking shit sis! you're having a girl!" i nod and he hugs me "i'm so happy for you two!" and with that we celebrate the super bowl win together happiness in all of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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