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zoe's pov
i wake in the hotel with travis curled around me. i grin and move impossibly closer to him feeling safe, secure, loved and so much more. i sigh as a knock sounds at the door. his beautiful blue eyes open and he grins and kisses me softly "morning honeybee" i grin "morning honeybear" he says "you get some more rest i'll get that" and he's up and throwing on a shirt and out the door and i close my eyes. no we didn't have sex...atleast not yet. though...despite what happened with kells...i want to. with trav.

he comes back and i ask "who was it bear?" he replies "it's for you bee" i sit up and go out wearing shorts and one of his large shirts. i smile seeing cassie. she runs to me and hugs me tightly and mutters "you're okay" i nod and kiss her head "im alright cass" and i ask her "what are you doing here? not that i don't want you here but...things with your dad" and she says "mom dropped me off for a bit. i just wanted to see you zoe. what happened? you and dad were happy. and now he's with megan?" she's still a kid. i don't want to taint how she sees her dad. he's her dad. they love one another so much.

"we just didn't work out cass" i tell her softly. "but why? he's talking about you terribly. saying you cheated with travis and i know you'd never do that. you're amazing Zoe. kind and loving too. i know im missing something" she says confused. "he even had a ring zoe. so how did it turn to this?" he what?! he didn't even want to move in with me.

he cheated on me more times than i can count, hit me once before all of this, constantly didn't support me, my endeavors or anything...and he thought we'd get engaged? "i'm sorry he head what?" i ask. she nods "it's a emerald ring, looked like it had thorns maybe? he showed it to me and said you'd be another mom to me" i try and wrap my head around it but can't causing a slight headache. "things don't always work out cass" i tell her softly. she replies "what did he do?" she asks "did he do this to your face? i remember last time and you tried to cover for him but...did he hit you again?" travis asks "what do you mean he hit her before?" fuck. i give him a 'we'll talk later' look and cassie says "can i use the bathroom?" i nod and point her in the direction of it.

trav comes and sits beside me and strokes my face gently "he hit you? before this?" his eyes full of worry and pain. i touch his hand "don't blame yourself travvy" he asks "how can i not? i knew this guy wasn't right for you. that he was fucked up. i should've tried to get you away from him sooner" i tell him stroking his cheek "this isn't your fault travis. none of it is. it's mine. i thought i could save him from himself and change him when all he's done is hurt me and try and manipulate me. i stayed. you didn't see what was going on because i didn't want you to trav. don't blame yourself...i love you" he smiles "i love you...more than you could ever know baby" and we kiss. "zoe? trav?" we break away seeing her with the razors that were given to me to kill myself with. i told trav to keep them so we can do a farewell ceremony to show my strength through it all. though we never found out who it came from or who wrote the note.

i ask "what are you doing with those Cass?" she asks "what are you doing with my fathers razors?" what?! i ask "what are you talking abou? these were sent to me and i was told to uh...use them and i did" motioning to my arm. she says "i mean my dad and i went shopping and he bought these...the very last ones. the guy at the store said they don't sell enough so they weren't going to order anymore from the store and the company that makes them then went out of business. and this note has megan's handwriting on it"

white noise. nausea. panic. he did this. him and his new bitch. they gave me ammunition to kill myself. i can't breathe. i hear far away talking but they're right here in front of me. why do they sound so muffled? my ears are ringing now. my face is grabbed. travis. he's talking but i can't hear him. and i still can't breathe. his lips crash on mine. and everything comes into focus. i grab his face gently and kiss him back softly. he breaks away "there you are princess" with a soft smile wiping the tears i never noticed i shed. he tells me "we're going to figure this out okay baby? together. he's not going to get away with this shit. i swear this to you. we have evidence and lawyers and shit. okay?" i nod and kiss him softly "i don't know where id be if i didn't have you travis" he smiles "and you'd never have to find out" cassie comes and hugs me and says "im sorry he did this to you ma" my heart melts. a knock sounds at the door and she says "probably my mom. i would stay longer but today starts my visits with dad so i cant" i nod and kiss her head "be good cass" she nods and smiles "get better Zoe" and walks out the door seeing her mother there with security that we have out there.

travis and i eat and have coffee and shower travis gives me a jersey of his and i put on jeans with it. as opposed to fishnets and shorts. i've been wearing baggier and less revealing clothes. now uncomfortable in my skin to wear what i used to. trav sits me down and grabs the first aid kit and unwraps my stitches and he sanitizes his hands touching them softly "that hurt baby?" the doctor having already talked him through the cleaning process and how to check for possible infection. i smile "i can do this you know?" "you're my girl and injured. lemme take care of you okay?" he says with a chuckle and adds "besides i always wanted to play doctor"

i smile "well then doctor what's my prognosis?" he pauses at my tone of voice as i nibble on the skin of my lip. his eyes catch mine and he says "you're gonna live miss mahomes" cleaning the stitches softly and he stops and i ask "what?" and he kisses up the length of the wound softly "i love you" i smile "i love you trav" he says kissing the wound saying "you're fuckin perfect. beautiful. funny. sexy. smart. talented. love you so much bee" melting my heart with each word and kiss.

he says to me his eyes on mine "you're not what they say you are zoe" kissing my lips softly and he wraps my arm in a new bandage and with that we head out to the pregame practice.

skip to the game

i'm on the sidelines with andy looking over the routes with him again for the day. gives me something to do. i've had a panic attack here already. security informed us kells tried to come in. tried to use my credentials to gain access to my box that is reserved for family, friends etc. the rest of EST are up there now. a few of them reached out a few days ago. hearing his fucked up side of the story and came and asked for mine. so we're still friends, amicable. they didn't assault me or tell him to or send me hate. i look at the girls cheering my heart stinging. i should be with them. leading them. a few peoples asked me why i'm in baggy clothes already. i've worn patrick's and even travis' jerseys before. but i usually style it differently to show more in the way i loved to. i just...can't bring myself to anymore. i'm still getting hate. i think about dressing how i should but i just feel his hands on my body. him calling me a slut. taking what wasn't his from me. and i just panic and don't. i no longer feel confident in my own skin enough to wear the clothes i loved.

i snap out of it "you alright there Zoe?" andy asks. i smile "yeah im fine Andy." "GO GO!" he shouts and i turn and see why. travis has the ball and is running to score. "RUN BEAR RUN!" i shout enthusiastically. i cheer excitedly seeing him score. i don't expect what he does next. he does his touchdown dance as usual. then he rushes over and takes off his helmet and grins "came for my touch down prize baby" "trav" i say and he pulls me into a kiss...in front of the whole stadium and tv. i push away the anxious thoughts and pull him in deeper. the crowd is deafening.

he grins pulling away "i love you so much baby" i grin "i love you too. now go get that field goal" "i'll be back for another one" he says kissing me putting his helmet back on running out there. and he does. he kisses me again getting the points. and he comes and kisses me for every touchdown he scores.

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