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travis' pov
pat and brittany left for food and i haven't moved a muscle. staring at her sleeping body. too afraid to look away. the door opens and pat comes in "i um...got her phone" i nod "should we look through it? see what pushed her?" he hands me the phone and i type in her password. it's my birthday and my phones code is hers.

i check her messages and find nothing out of the usual. i go on instagram. and check her DMs. what i see breaks my heart. how can people be so evil? i show patrick and he sighs "shit" i say "there's hundreds of them...all have been opened. why would she do this to herself? believe what they're saying? i get the idea to click on colsons instagram and see a snippet of an interview he did. lying through his fucking teeth. i put her phone down and go on mine and make a post saying

@machinegunkelly how about you stop lying and say what really happened with zoe you coward. she ain't cheat on you and jump you with me😂. we came home and you were fucking @meganfox in her bed nasty fuck and i beat your sorry ass for it. you then admitted to have been with megan for almost 3 months as you date Zoe. and asked for an open relationship as well with her. stop spreading this false narrative as to what happened. we know the monster you really are. i'm gonna leave saying what else happened to zoe as it's not my place.

i post it to my story. and patrick posts a thread

@machinegunkelly i always knew you did not deserve my sister. it only becomes more apparent as time goes on. before the headlines say anything i will. zoe was admitted to the hospital for trying to take her own life just a few hours ago due to the hate she's been receiving for the hate she does not deserve. she's not awake yet but will be soon. someone sent her a bag of razors telling her to use them. and she did. travis found her. she's dealt with your shit for almost a year. helped mother a kid that's not even hers. you've been fucking around on her for months with megan as you make a movie that's going to bomb on the streaming services anyways. throughout your time together you were controlling. down to who she talks to and when. travis and i did not let you make her cut us off. you've gaslit her, emotionally and mentally abused her as well. you tried to control if she works, and what she wears as well. but again travis and i did not let her bend to your wishes. you've cheated on her three times now colson. i remember you told her when we were out to not eat a fucking burger and travis and i went off on you. i remember every fucking year she's ever shed for you. and for everyone who's sent her a DM telling her she's fat, that she should kill herself, and deserves to be alone...have fun with the lawsuits and prison. because they're coming. i have all of your handles and names. bullying is not okay. you killed her you know? yeah. my sister died because of your messages and pushing. she was dead for 6 minutes 32 seconds. and every single one of you will pay for every minute. you're going to pay for every message you sent. i promise you that. and colson. you're gonna pay the most out of all of them.

i nod "they're gonna pay man" he nods "absolutely" brittany says "i have to go pick up the kids and put them to bed" standing and patrick nods and says "tell them i love them okay?" she nods and i tell him "you can go get rest man. i don't think she's waking today. i'll stay and call if anything changes" kissing her knuckles. he says "i-" i cut him off "have kids that are confused right now man. you gotta take care of them and make sure they're okay and to explain to them a bit. they need you." he says "she needs me too" i say "you know she'd want you with them. i'll call as soon as anything changes. get some rest" he says "you need rest trav" i shake my head "i can't go back there man. not with that mess still there waiting for me. i left her earlier and now look where she is. i can't leave her again i need to be here" he nods and says "ill be back" i nod "i know. just catch a few hours of sleep and tuck your kids in man" we hug and he mutters "take care of my sister man" i nod "always"

his cheerleader|| travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now