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zoe's pov
i wake again to see patrick and brittany here. i smile "hey" im hugged tightly by him and i run my fingers in his hair as he cries "thank god you're okay sis" i mutter to him "i'm here pat" i cut myself and i started to try to stop the blood flow realizing...i actually do want to live. i just wanted the pain to stop. the feeling of cutting stopped it temporarily but i wanted to live. the blood wouldn't stop. i kept stumbling around the bathroom trying to find something to make it stop. my phone in my hand as i tried to see enough to call for help realizing i couldn't do so. then everything went black.

he looks at me "boo...if something like those messages are happening...if that prick is lying on your name to hurt you...why didn't you say anything? we all would've been here and helped you set everything straight" i nod "i know...but at the time...i didn't. i let all of them get to me...in my head and it made everything hurt so much more and i...i couldn't take it anymore pat. these were the fans and people that embraced me and they all just turned their backs and wished me dead and so much more." he kisses my head and says "never again boo. never" he says "i don't think i can take this again" i send him a smile "im here to stay sully"

he opens his phone and then shows me his tweet "i left the assault for you to talk about but...see..." showing me the comments. people care. there's thousands of well wishes and people
showing sympathy. he adds "there's more than the people in this room that care about and love you sis" i nod and he says "i know trav told you...but do you want to take legal action seriously?" i nod "it'll do some good. not just for me. but for people who get bullied and decide to try to take their lives too...they need to know bullies will pay for what they're doing" he nods and brittany smiles and hugs me giving her greetings. the door opens and i grin seeing jason and kylie.

"what are you doing here?" i ask with a chuckle as jason hugs me tightly. he says "we flew out as soon as we heard! we couldn't just not come to see you" i smile "thanks jason" kylie sits with me on the bed and she mutters "want me to kick his sorry ass" i laugh "trav got him good. i think we're good." she hugs me "you need anything. anything at all...you let us know" i nod and smile and she asks "you and trav?" as everyone talks around us. i look to him as he smiles and laughs with jason "yeah"

she smiles "finally! when did it happen?" i give her the run down. if you can't tell...kylie is one of my best friends. i love brittany, she's my sister in law and we are close. just not like this. kylie and i are different. i stood in for one of the girls on the eagles team for 6 months while she was injured once then while packing up kylie came over to talk about the routine and how she appreciates its not all just shaking ass like a lot of teams are. she liked how it was dance, more flips, than ass shaking. i knew who she was because of travis but we haven't met officially yet. and she realized who i was and took me to meet jason and we've been close ever since.

she smiles "glad you finally opened those eyes of yours. can't wait to be your sister officially" i chuckle "kylie" she says "travis has been pining over you for years now. i know he's not gonna let you go. so just accept it." i chuckle and shrug. soon the door opens and everyone's on alert. it's kells and i freeze. "baby i came as soon as-" white noise. i can't breathe. flashbacks of what he did to me, what he tried, and what i did in the hotel room flash through me. i watch as patrick and jason start shouting at him and making him go but kells is refusing trying to get to me. i can't breathe.

"hey baby" i turn and see travis. he says "breathe we're gonna deal with it okay?" kylie says "breathe girl" her hand in mine and i see kells hit patrick and i shake "get out." i say and shout thinking about what would've happened should they have not gotten there when they did. he beat me, he was going to rape me, he stripped the clothes from my body. i feel cold. distant. shaking afraid and rage. i scream over the noise of the room "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT" are the words i can get out of my mouth. time stands still. the commotion stops. kells steps forward and jason stops him "zoe" i shake "get out! just go! you can't act like you care!" "i do care zoe!" he snaps. i shake my head panicking tears falling as i breathe heavily "you cheated on me and attacked me! if travis and patrick weren't there when they were" "zoe" he cuts me off "you were going to rape me! GET THE FUCK OUT!" i scream my throat hurting. crying. travis pulls me to his chest kissing my head "get out" i repeat into his shirt crying.

"i got you baby. shhh it's okay. he's leaving" he says stroking my hair. "oh zoe" kylie says softly hugging me as i cry too. "GET OUT" i scream seeing him still standing there. the door opens again and the nurse says "you're all going to have to leave. this strain and emotional toll isn't good for the patient" i shake my head gripping travis' shirt "stay" repeating it shaking into him. kylie says "we're not goin anywhere okay? nurse get security to get that man out of here. he's why she's attempted in the first place" the nurse says "sir you're going to have to-" kells snaps "she's my girlfriend i'm not-" i snap "im not your girlfriend! you attacked me! cheated on me! get out! just GET OUT!" travis mutters "shhh baby i got you it's okay. i'm here and not letting anyone hurt you again. breathe baby you have to breathe" i sniffle "i can't breathe." hyperventilating. security is called after the nurse tries to make him leave again.

patrick says "bar him from coming up again" she nods and she says "you have to calm down zoe. breathe." i shake and cry gripping onto travis' shirt "stay" i feel a kiss to my hair "we're not going anywhere zoe. but you have to try to calm down and breathe okay." he talks me through exercises but i can't do it. i see the nurse come over and i feel a fluid in my IV and then everything goes dark after a bit.

his cheerleader|| travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now