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travis' pov
i sit outside her room with her blood on me completely zoning out. thinking. why would she do this? i know she's been going through hell right now. she was sexually assaulted in our home and cheated on. Zoe's been depressed recently due to the events. but she doesn't suffer from depression. everyone has their days of it and shit. she's usually our ray of sunshine and so happy and living life to the fullest.

where did the package come from? why? i know she's hardly been eating and having nightmares and not leaving the house and hotel. i just...feel like there's something im missing about this. i snap out of it as doctors run into her room. i stand "what's going on? is everything okay?" i'm pushed from the doorway and a nurse says "we cannot let you in right now sir! she's unstable and we need to work" i ask "what is going on?! you-" then i hear it. a steady beep. i see it. a flat line.

my heart shatters "Zoe?" i ask stepping forward and im stopped again "you cannot be in here sir if you want us to save her you're going to have to wait" and the door is closed in my face as panic sets in. she's dead. dead. gone. i cant breathe. i cant hear. pain is all i feel. she's gone. the love of my life is dead. i can't hold myself up anymore my knees hitting the linoleum below as i cry. i was too late. i left her. i had a fucking bad feeling about leaving her and i left anyway! she's dead because i left her. this is my fault. i killed her.

"trav?" it's patrick. his eyes worried as i cry on the floor. "travis. what's going on? is she..." he asks. i choke a sob "she's gone pat. they're trying what they can. but she's gone" brittany says "trav" as pat and i sit together upset. "i left her there. it's all my fault. i shouldn't have left her and i did" patrick shakes his head wiping his tears "this isn't your fault man. what happened? you found her what happened travis? my sister isn't suicidal."

i say "i went to bring her lunch on my time off and she wasn't answering when i called for her. but there's a box on our couch. it was opened...someone sent her a bag of razors and a note telling her to use them...the bag was opened. i went to the bathroom and it was locked...she was stumbling around and i was calling to her. trying to get her to open the door but she didn't. but i heard her fall. i uh. i panicked and kicked in the door. she cut herself badly on her wrists. like this" showing them how. i sniffle "i tried to stop the bleeding. she wasn't waking up. i was trying to get her to wake up. to know if she's alive and i came here" wiping my tears. brittany says "trav you're covered in her blood you should go wash your hands atleast" i shake my head "i can't leave her again brit. i left her once already...i...i can't" crying. i mutter "i love her" patrick hugs me "i know man. and i know deep down she knows that too. my sister is a fighter...we're gonna figure out what else pushed her to this. and you're gonna tell her how you feel when she wakes up. okay? because i know she's gonna wake up" the door opens and the doctor says "family of Zoe mahomes?" we stand anxiously. he says "she's alive. we stopped her bleeding and giving her blood. she's got a bit of a road to recover. when she wakes we're going to hold her for 3 days for a psych hold here and to make sure her stitches hold." we sigh in relief and i say "thank you" walking inside and patrick says "clean up a bit trav. i'm going to go to the hotel and grab some stuff for the stay call me if anything happens" i nod sitting beside her and my heart breaks seeing her like this. brittany says "she's lucky to have you" i shake my head "nah im the lucky one. i always was" going to the sink and cleaning my hands quickly. i grab her hand in mine and kiss her knuckles "hey baby...it's me. trav. i just...need you to wake up now okay? why did you do this bee? don't you know how much we need and love you?" no answer. i sit and stare at her breathing steadily in silence waiting for those beautiful eyes to flutter open for us.

his cheerleader|| travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now