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Travis' pov
i wake and make her and i coffee ready to head to arrowhead for practice. i sigh hearing her and her boyfriend who's better known as machine gun kelly arguing. they always argue. he's no good for her. i grab her a muffin to add to her coffee knowing she gets food at the stadium typically. today is game day. it's our first play off game of the season so it's a pretty big deal. i huff hearing my name mentioned by the asshole in the argument. the usual. it's not my fault i see what zoe is worth and treat her right. he storms out the apartment as usual and i open my arms to her.

she walks into them and lays her head on my chest as i kiss her head softly "what was it about this time?" holding her for a bit. she says "he's not coming to the game today. then it turned into the usual shit it always does." he flaked on her the last game too and to make it up to her he said he'd come to this one with his daughter and the whole shit. she adores his daughter. and his daughter adores her too. she's been with this prick for the better part of a year now.

he thinks he can control her and gets pissed and shit when she makes it known he can't. her and i have been close friends for years now. we moved in together because of it. he hates it. and how close we are. hell if patrick wasn't her brother he'd hate him too. he's even accused us of sleeping around. now, im not the type to be the other dude in a relationship. and last thing i want to do is be that to her. if i'm going to have and be with Zoe it'd be just us and we'd be official. Zoe isn't the cheating type. having had been through it before.

i do have feelings for this girl. deep and real ones. but i'm not that kinda guy that confesses while the girl is in a relationship. not only that but im terrified to lose Zoe. she's my closest friend and strongest ally and supporter in everything i do. i'd be an idiot to not love her. i'll take her however she wants me. i ask "didn't he promise? and say cassie was gonna go too?"

she nods "not anymore" i'd never break my promises to her. i haven't yet and im still not going to now or ever. she smiles "that a muffin?" i chuckle "figured you could use some cheering up" grabbing one for myself and i tell her "yknow you deserve better right?" and she does. he cleared his schedule to go to the game today to watch her cheer and he still fucking flaked on her. she was so excited and gave him her credentials so he can be there. she sighs "he's just got a lot going on" "he cleared his schedule for you today and is still flaking" i point out. i'd never flake on her like this. hurt her like this. she says "the director needed him for his movie for a reshoot today." if that was me i wouldn't give a shit what or who needed me.

he's been weirdly gone more and more. this movies got megan fox in it. and everyone knows kells can't keep it in his pants. she's suffered a bit because of that but he hasn't been outta line in a while seemingly. i say "you okay with that Zo" she shrugs "have to be. we're both busy. it is what it is" "not if it bothers and hurts you. you just went on an entire tour with him last year and he couldn't even make it to a game? effort goes both ways Zo" i reply, annoyed by this prick. he doesn't deserve her. she finishes the muffin "trav i know. and we're working on it" it seems it only works out for him during the off season. not while she's working. and here and traveling with the team. because then he can take her off to cleveland and wherever else.

he didn't like it but she'd call me every day. whether it was facetime or not. morning or night. she made sure pat and i got a call. i tell her "i just want you happy girl. completely happy all the time. not just sometimes." stroking her hair and she smiles "i know and i love you for wanting that big guy" kissing my cheek disappearing into her room and she comes out and i ask "that my chiefs hoodie?" she nods "yup lets go" and i chuckle. grabbing her bag for her.

his cheerleader|| travis kelceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora