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zoe's pov
it's been a few weeks and we've come closer throughout the playoffs. still not healed enough to cheer but i hope i am by the time the superbowl comes around. nightmares are sparse now too. trav and i have been closer than ever. going at it every second we could. we can't get enough of one another. it warms my heart every time he stops and asks if i'm sure and okay. trav and patrick are out for a guys lunch. i feel confident in being alone again.
i go on my social media and see i have a shit ton of tags.

was @machinegunkelly right about his ex @ZoeMahomes? was she really cheating with @traviskelce? more below

@zoemahomes and @traviskelce share a heated and romantic moment at the nfl game. was @machinegunkelly right?

@machinegunkelly speaks out about @zoemahomes new relationship with @traviskelce with new details of the couples split.

what? i click to colsons instagram and see a video called "my truth"
i take a second and listen "hey it's kells here. i've been mobbed with a lot of questions so i figured id answer em. yes zoe did cheat on me. she's been fucking travis for a while now. she's been stepping out on us for a long time. i've been down for her and loyal" i scoff rage building. "megan and my relationship is brand new. taking it day by day. zoe and travis are both miserable and truly do deserve one another. now as for her attempt...i don't wish it upon everyone but it's not the first time she's cried wolf for attention. don't trust a bitch yknow" so much more is said but i black out for most of it.

i call travis "hey baby everything okay?" i try and breathe but get out "i...i need you and pat" "baby is everything okay? are you hurt? did you hurt yourself? call 911l" he says panic in his voice and i tell him "i didn't. i'm in okay...physically. trav i just need you both okay? i'll explain when you get here. bear please" he says "we're on our way bee. i love you so much. just listen to my voice and breathe baby okay?" i nod though he can't see me "sis just relax okay we're on our way. try and not think of your trigger" pat speaks and soon they get here.

they come to my side and i tell them "he...he made another video. lies...headlines...it's all lies" travis hugs me to him and strokes my hair gently "we have lawyers working on the case right now baby. what do you want to do?" i say "i...i want to tell my story" their eyes soften "are you sure?"

i nod "i um...just need you here" they both kiss a cheek "always" i nod and set up my phone to live stream and i take a breath seeing the numbers rise "hey guys. i've seen some things that have been said about me and im tired of being quiet. i wasn't ready to tell my story before...i just needed time to...wrap my head around it and heal." i take a shaky breath "as you guys can see...i have bruising and a split lip you guys haven't seen before." i read some comments some showing worry and some hate and questions.

i continue "i met colson at a low time of both of our lives. attached. now what you guys don't know is...i've helped him stay clean. i've helped him through relapses, and touring. i took care of cassie when he was too fucked up too. i loved him and would've done anything for him. when we were good we were great. but soon we didn't even have good times anymore. he'd try and control my career. tried to tell my bosses that i quit when i didn't to keep me from cheering. he'd try and isolate me from my family. and travis. travis was my best friend for years. has been since we met. way before colson and i did. arguments soon ensued every day because i wouldn't let him control me. and when he wouldn't get his way...he'd do things like this to me" motioning to my face.

flood of comments. "i thought i was in love and he apologized so i thought we'd be okay. we weren't. he'd try and force me into moving out and away from travis. hit me a few more times after. colsons a cheater as well. he's even butt dialed me while he was fucking someone else. i'd find videos he took of him fucking other women without their consent. i'd leave...but he knew exactly how to rope me in. he made me believe no one else would want me but him. that i'd be nothing without him. the cycle continued. then he got the role for that movie. i got drunk and kissed travis. kells and i talked and we were fine. he hated that travis and i still talked. travis and i both said we'd just act like it didn't happen and keep our friendship. he's my roommate and my best friend. i was drunk and that was that. then. i went to lunch with travis. we both found him fucking megan fox in my bed in my house" travis backs me up "it's true"

both him and patrick squeezing my hand and kissing a temple. trav mutters as my anxiety rises "you got this baby" i continue "an argument ensued. megan and i came to blows. things were said. but ultimately i decided to end my relationship then and there. a few days later i had called colson to get his things he left there. he came in and refused to leave and take his stuff. i was alone. he threw me and i hit my head on my livingroom table" pointing to my temple.

i continue reliving it "he wouldn't get off. no matter how i thrashed and pleaded. he hit me splitting my lip. he choked me and ripped my clothes from my body. he wouldn't stop hitting me" showing the bruises on my torso. "he got my pants and underwear off and his and touched me as i pleaded for mercy. he wouldn't stop. he kept trying to put his penis inside of me as i thrashed and cried. during the fighting i called travis on a butt dial and he and patrick were on their way for me. then they came. just as colson was going to rape me. me having gotten exhausted and the adrenaline going down. i couldn't move anymore. but they saved me. travis and patrick. they got him out the house and got me help. then came the hate from you guys on here. the headlines. i read them all. every message, tweet, post. all of it. i fell into a deep depression. then a box came. i was...actually getting out of it a bit. i felt better than i have since it happened. was gonna go on a walk. then i saw the box and opened my phone seeing more posts, more messages. i opened the package. it was a bag of razors with a note telling me to use them"

they squeeze my hand and i sniffle wiping my eyes as travis holds me onto his lap. i say "and i did. i took one and cut up my arm like this" showing them. "i was panicking realizing despite it that i wanted to live. i was scared and alone. travis heard me struggling and came seeing me bloody and passed out. he saved my life. we only got together when he told me he loves me when i woke up.travis has made me feel more alive and loved than colson ever could." i end it. and stand feeling nauseas and throw up in the toilet.

his cheerleader|| travis kelceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora