Chapter 40 A Little Surprise Part 2

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Now it is spring time here at horseland.

Shep: ah, spring time. What a wonderful time to start a new beginning in life ain't it, teeny?

Teeny: you said it, shep. I'm so excited. Did you hear?

Shep: yes I did. Scarlet can have her pony soon. I'm quite excited for her.

Angora: I'm excited too. Haven't seen a pony around here in a long time. I wonder what he or she will look like. What do you both think?

Teeny: he or she will look like like her mom and dad.

Shep: sometimes there's a bit of a difference when it comes to offspring teeny. Birthmarks or anything can come into play. Y/N, is going to learn responsibility and how he's going to treat the situation.

Teeny: tell us how it'll go if we see it. I don't know or when it'll be, but I'm excited for this new pony. Goodie, goodie.

Angora: I am with teeny on this one. I'm so excited myself. I would love to see him or her.

Now your POV

Sarah was grooming scarlets coat and mane. You walk up to Sarah and kiss her cheek. She smiled when you did that, but than felt scarlets belly.

Sarah: any word from John yet? Scarlets pony could be out any day now. I'm nervous, I don't know if scarlet is going to feel okay or anything.

You pat Sarah on the back. She toke a breath the moment you did that, and calmed down a bit.

Sarah: thanks, Y/N. I'm just nervous and excited for the baby. What do you think it'll be? A colt or a foul?

Y/N: a colt. Want to make a fine racer out of him just like his dad.

Zod whinnies when you said that. You and Sarah share a laugh.

Sarah: I'm sure he's glad you think so. I feel so connected with horses that I forget we can't hear them speak.

Y/N: where I come from, actions speak louder than words.

Sarah: true fact.

Y/N: had a short winter this year. Still kinda cold, but I'm glad we can see the grass and trees again. The summer is gonna rule this year.

Sarah: as long as I'm with you, I can handle any weather that mother-nature throws at us.

Y/N: good to know that.

Will than comes into the stables to check on you both.

Will: how are you two? You both know where I can find John? I called Arthur this morning, but he said John was running some errands.

Y/N: does Arthur know how to help out give labor to a pony?

Will: I don't know, but he said he's on his way to help out make scarlet comfortable. Any day or even today she can have her pony. Ain't that right, girl?

Will pats scarlet on the mane as she whinnies in response.

Will: remember what we talked about, Y/N, this pony is of your responsibility. I trust that you and Sarah will help scarlet and Zod take care of the pony.

Sarah: of course, will. Don't worry, it's no problem.

Will looks up to the second level where the hay was at to call out for jack.

Horseland Sarah X Male readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن