Chapter 30 Horse Accident.

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At horseland. (Warning: sad)

You and Jack were sitting around.

Y/N: so, how are you and Alma getting on?

Jack: she's a great girl. I'm very lucky to have her in my life.

Y/N: she's a sweet girl. I know that. How's John by the way?

Jack: pa is going hunting today. He's bringing some local game to the butcher shop. It'll be good eating.

Y/N: he hunting deer?

Jack: he's gonna be hunting only for the biggest bucks that are ready for the season.

Y/N: can you get us some venison meat for dinner?

Jack: of course. I'll ask pa if he can give me some. I'll cook it right up for you all.

Y/N: how nice of you.

Jack: my pa usually loves to ride his Kentucky Sadler named beige. He had a horse named Rachel......but that was a long time ago. She was an old horse and she went naturally.

Y/N: i understand that, Jack. No need to remember something if it hurts you too much to remember.

Jack: thanks, Y/N.

Now sheps Pov.

Shep: oh dear....

Teeny: what is it, Shep?

Shep: it's not a very easy topic to talk about, teeny.

Angora: even I can't say anything sassy about it.

Angora licks herself.

Teeny: what are they talking about?

Angora: they're talking about what starts a life and how it ends.

Shep: everyone has a time, angora. Same with us, but that comes very slowly. We enjoy today and that's how we are able to think positive about it.

Teeny: I don't want to think about it, Shep. I want to live our lives as happy as we can be. I don't want to think about that stuff.

Shep: sometimes, things happen at are out of your control sometimes. We try to hard to keep a good thing coming, but sometimes life isn't fair to those we want to keep around.

Angora: I understand that, Shep, but for now we are together. Nothing can separate us at all.

Shep: just remember what Sarah went through when her grandpa passed away.

Teeny: that was a sad day for poor Sarah. I wish we could have done something to help.

Shep: I think, Y/N, did plenty for Sarah. And now she is better than ever.

Angora: for now, let's see how today plays out.

Now back to your POV.

Will came to you with some buckets.

Will: Y/N, do you mind if you fill some of these buckets up with some water? The horses could use some.

Y/N: no problem, will.

Bayle: I'll get the horse feed.

Will: good thing you're helping out, bayle.

Bayle smiles as he assists you to feed the horses. Will looked over to see Alma and Molly talking. Chloe and Zoey talking about fashion. Finally, Sarah and jack talking about their next performances for the next show they needed to work on. Will smiles at how everything was; the day almost seemed perfect, until he got the phone call.

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