Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six - Vim - Sally

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      "Vim, can I steal you for a moment?" Herra asked.

Herra was holding a pamphlet of some kind, and gesturing for me to follow her out of Gerald's office.

"Hm." I nodded as I stood from the couch. Gerald went back to his work as I left the office, following Herra down the hallway towards the center of the building.

As I followed Herra, I listened to the soft downpour outside. The world wasn't that dark, but it was wet. It had been raining since right after sunrise, and would probably keep raining even days from now.

A part of me worried it meant Fly wouldn't show up tonight, but if anything it should make it easier for her to get here without being noticed.

Following Herra, we passed the main crossroad and entered the hallway that led to the Society Houses deeper within the building.

While we walked, I realized Herra was being unnaturally quiet. She wasn't like Reatti, but she usually did everything she could to talk and stare at me when we were near one another. Right now... she was just...

Glancing down at the bundle of papers in her hand, I realized they were letters.


While we entered the houses, and I closed the metal door behind us, we encountered Jasna who was about to leave.

"Herra. Vim," she greeted us as we passed one another.

"Jasna. Heading to the docks?" Herra asked.

"Going to pick up Liina. It's her last day today you know!" Jasna happily said.

"Oh? Who's next?" I asked.

"Not sure? I'm just glad she's finally done!" Jasna laughed as she left.

As we headed downstairs, I wondered how long Liina had been the dock authority.

"How long has Liina been the port authority?" I asked Herra, since I wanted to know for some reason.

Herra tilted her head as we reached the bottom floor. "Hm... maybe a couple years now?" Herra said.

I see. That would explain Jasna's frustration. The two were inseparably attached to one another. And if Liina had been the port authority that long, she was probably rather...

"Do you know who the next one is?" I asked.

"I think it's Pierre. He likes the docks," Herra said.

I nodded. He did. For whatever reason. So much so that he had to be forced to have someone else work it occasionally, so the humans wouldn't notice Pierre's lack of aging.

Entering one of the smaller rooms, one with only a few chairs and a small table... not even a fireplace, I took a seat as Herra did the same.

"Well?" I asked her.

She nodded as she placed the half dozen papers and the pamphlet onto the table in front of me.

Reaching out, I slid a few closer to read some of the contents.

Letters from her family.

I stopped reading once I realized most of the contents were personal.

"They want me to go home for awhile," Herra said gently.

"I see. That is part of your family's agreement, Herra. You're to return occasionally. When was the last time?" I asked her.

"Well..." she shifted on her chair and sighed. "Almost ten years ago."

"It's not like your family is that far away. A few weeks is all," I said.

In fact if she hurried she could get home in ten or so days. Especially if she used the Societies ships and used the nearby river that head south.

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